1| Prologue

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❝ And I will await the day when I will be loved for who I am and as I am❞ — Anjum Choudharry

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And I will await the day when I will be loved for who I am and as I am❞ — Anjum Choudharry

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺 delivering its wild anger with the clouds of snow dust colliding one's pale cheeks, and lips dripping with the blood of an animal.

The ruby eyes slitted with hidden hunger, fear and distaste all mixing within those dulled crimson eyes.

Why did she believe that man had a cure for her incurable ailment?

When he'd turn her humanity into something deadly, some kind of monstrosity that craves a human flesh.

Time after time, she hide her tracks from that damn demon. All while, appeasing her hunger towards the animals be it deer, bear but not a human.

The silky lushes of lavenders dancing upon the gentle breeze, her sandals leaving a mark on the soft snowfields.

She wanted to die, not wanting to continue her immortality. She wanted to die in a human way, to die old with hair turning into a silvery-gray and one's skin turning into wrinkly old.

What's the purpose of having a long life when the people she loved and cared for had died due to her own fault.

The pain drank on her sorrows as she witnessed them withered like a flower that's been plucked off in a garden of youth.

Their life span already burn out as the heavens calls out to them, for them to return peacefully and happily.

While she did not grow old nor experience the hands of death, it's as if time stops her from experiencing that kind of fragility which made a person be human.

The bitterness of iron made her eyes focused on the cold landscape as she blows a small air of tiredness.

And that sense of despair gripping and swallowing her little hope led her emotions to die, the numbing feeling became her support and the emptiness keeps her to survive through the harsh years.

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