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Willow's POV

"The father is not Logan Riley. Do you know a last name for little Aroura and a father?"

Via sat on a chair in the corner holding Aroura in her arms as she observed the situation.

"Karson. And her father is William Karson."

The nurse wrote the name and handed her birth certificate to me. "Now, everyone out. Except Logan. Via, please take Aroura with you."

She nodded and everyone left the room.

"What's it gonna be?"

"You're my mate and I love you. Your daughter is my daughter."

Tears streamed down my face as I heard him say that. He stood and came over, connecting our lips once again but this time I actually kissed back.

Fury's POV:

I ran into the human hospital and up to the room they said my sister was in. Everyone was standing outside, Willow and Logan's family along with some girl that I don't know.

I breathed heavily after running up the stairs, accidentally inhaling through my nose only to smell this heavenly scent. Citrus and rain. It was amazing.

I looked at the mysterious girl who I now know, is my mate. She looked around and when her eyes landed on me, only one thing came out of her mouth. She turned and asked Rage something before muttering "Damnit." Under her breath.

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched her give the a baby to Rage and run past me in vampire speed. "What the hell?"

"That was my mate." I explained. I ran down stairs and checked every floor in between to find her but she was gone.

"I'll find you. And I'll show you that me being your mate wasn't something to run from." I whispered under my breath before walking back upstairs and entering my sisters room.

They explained the whole situation to me, her killing William, her gettin pregnant with Williams baby, and now her and slogan will raise it.

"Where's Via?"

"She handed the baby to me and ran. But before she did, she asked who Fury was."

"Because she's my mate. I don't know why she ran. But I'll find her. I haven't been looking for my mate for 10 years just for her to fucking run from me when I find her."

Willow's POV

I cant believe Via ran from Fury, her mate! I can't believe my brother found her mate. I'll help him find her. I'm happy for him but I'm also happy Logan still accepts me.

William's finally dead and I can be happy with my mate and my baby.

The end!!!

There will more than likely be a sequel to this story. If there is, it'll be place a few years from this, like when Aroura is a toddler. And it'll be Fury's story!

Let me know if I should make that happen.

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