New Recruits

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The moment Sam, Hope, Shang-Chi and Peter returned with Thor and the new additions, Fury and Clint immediately were on guard.

"What are they doing here?" Clint demanded, his angry eyes burning through Natasha and Yelena.

"There's a good reason..." Sam began.

"You better have a very good fucking reason for bringing these two here. Where my family is. Because I won't hesitate to put one between both of their eyes."

"Easy, Barton," Sam said in a fatigued voice. "They're with us now."

Clint shook his head. "Oh, they are, are they?"

Natasha stood her ground, matching Clint's intense gaze. "You have every right to want to see Yelena and me dead."

"Lady, I don't need your permission to hate your guts," Clint spat.

"BARTON!" Sam shouted.

The room went silent for several seconds, then Clint flung his hands up. "Fine. Lay it on me. Why are two of Doom's premiere psychopaths standing in our hideout?" He gestured at Helion and Tony. "And who the hell are these two?"

"Let's just focus on one question at a time, okay?" Hope grunted as she held pressure to her broken nose.

"I can reset that for you," Natasha offered.

"I'll manage, thanks," Hope quickly responded before walking over to a nearby mirror to assess the damage.

Natasha looked at the rebels as they formed a large group before her and Yelena; Helion and Tony stood off to the side. "Yelena and I weren't ourselves for a long time. We were being controlled by Doom."

"You expect us to believe that?" Clint asked.

Fury lifted a hand to silence the archer. "Controlled how?"

"I don't know," Natasha said in a frustrated voice. "I have no clue. What I do know is that you freed me from whatever it was."

Clint raised a brow. "Me? How?"

"When you broke my nose. I can only guess that it was cognitive re-calibration. Or something else. Anyway, I did the same to Yelena. Now we're both free of Doom's influence."

Shang-Chi scowled. "You mean to tell me you two knew what you were doing the whole time and...couldn't do anything about it?"

A haunted look struck both sisters as they nodded.

"It was horrible," Yelena whispered. "Being made to do those things even though we didn't want to. We couldn't do anything without being permitted. It was like we were fucking puppets."

"Nothing I ever experienced in the Red Room could come close to that sort of torture," Natasha spoke darkly.

Clint waved a hand. "Okay, whatever. What do the two of you want?"

"To kill Doom," Natasha said without having to think. "I want him dead for what he did to us. For what he's been doing. And his followers can all burn in hell, too."

Fury looked at everyone else, measuring their responses, then nodded. "Right," he said. "We're going to trust you for now. But if either of you steps out of line it's over." He looked over at Helion and Tony. "Now- who are you two?"

"I am Helion, prince of Atilan," Helion explained.

"Okay. Prince of Atilan. What the hell is that?"

"Atilan is the city of the inhumans. We used to live among you, thousands of years ago. We left earth to live on Uranus, protected by atmospheric generators."

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