Delivery From the Aether

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After leaving Avalon and returning to New Asgard, Dean found that the adrenaline rush he'd felt during the battle in the other reality was starting to wane. When he and Thor entered their cabin, Dean stifled a yawn.

"Come," Thor prompted before taking Dean into his arms. "Allow me to carry you, Little Prince."

Dean took comfort in the strong arms of his husband and nuzzled up into his chest. "I'm so tired but my head is so full of questions,"he mumbled.

"Shh. You must rest. Put it out of your mind for now. You don't have to find the all of the answers  tonight; they are not going anywhere, Fair One."

Dean's entire being warmed to Thor's words. "That's...that's really beautiful."

"Sometimes I impress with my words," Thor chuckled.

Dean lovingly patted Thor's chest as they walked through the entryway and to the stairs. Along the way, Biscuit crept out of one of his many hiding places and followed them into the bedroom.

"I think he remembers being a superhero," Dean said with a smile. He reached out and scratched the cat's ears, eliciting a loud and satisfied purr.

"And a most mighty one at that," Thor added. "Speaking of mighty..."

"Yeah," Dean said with a grin. "It looks like I'm Worthy."

"That was never in doubt."

"I couldn't lift it before," Dean confessed.

"You tried?"

"Once before we met. When I came to Arizona to investigate you."


"Maybe it's because we're married? Or because I'm carrying your children?"

"Or perhaps it is because you saved the universe," Thor said in a firm but gentle voice. "Your worth is not determined by other people. You being worthy does not hinge upon your connection to me." He took Dean's face in his hands. "It is through your own deeds. You are worthy because of who you are."

Tears filled Dean's eyes. "You're really on a roll tonight," he said.

Thor guided Dean over to the bed and undressed him. Dean slid beneath the covers and Biscuit promptly took up residence on his chest.

"You saved me from Ultron. Flight, super speed, super strength, laser vision and razor sharp claws. And you could fly through outer space. You were ridiculously overpowered."

Biscuit responded with a playful meow before rolling on his back.

"And now the only thing powerful about you is your power naps," Dean sighed.

Thor got into bed next to him and the entire scenario- the quiet, the warmth, Thor, Biscuit, the comfort of home and the sense that disaster had been averted- sent Dean off to peaceful sleep.

Thor, however, found himself unable to do so. He lay awake, his thoughts haunted. Loki was alive. It was perhaps not his Loki, but it was Loki nonetheless. And with that train of thought, Thor found himself wondering if he could do the impossible twice- form a true brotherhood with Loki.

His thoughts shifted to his father. Odin made decisions that encouraged the divide between brothers. His favor of Thor and the way he often disregarded Loki. He loved Odin. But he could acknowledge the mistakes he had made.

Thor crept out of bed and walked out of the house and to the nearby cliff where he'd last seen his father alive. The sea lapped at the beaches below and brought with them a gentle breeze.

"You made mistakes, father. But I know that you did your best. I know that I will make mistakes as well. And it scares me."

"That is natural, my son," Odin's voice whispered on the breeze.

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