Two: Zira's Pride

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The rocky cliffs of the Outlands rose high in the distance as Kion and Fuli stood at the edge of the Pridelands. Kion was barely standing up, and Fuli was doing most the walking for him, almost dragging him along behind her. The rain had stopped, and the sun had started to come out. Kion was now visible from halfway across the Pridelands. Anybody, especially Simba's spy Zazu, could see him and report him to the king. Kion was now in more danger if he didn't get down in the Outlands soon. And even then, Jasiri or Madoa could report him to Simba out of their loyalty and thanks for solving their water problem with Zira and her Pride. 

Ah, that incident seemed so long ago to Kion. And Fuli, though she played a smaller and more minor role in the event than Kion did. Not only was it the first time that he learned of the Outsiders and their connection to Scar and his family's past, he also met Kovu. The beautiful lion with dark brown skin, and a small darker brown mohawk. His dark green eyes contrasted well with his yellow sclera. Kion had fallen in love for the first time and had realized he was gay. Not bisexual like one of his other friends, Badili, but straight gay. The  oxymoron made him chuckle slightly, but it came out like a gasping wheeze. This made Fuli look at him in concern and it brought Kion out of his daydreams about Kovu. 

"If you're okay, Kion," she inquired carefully and worriedly. "We need to get moving. Zazu or one of Simba's other spies could quickly spot us and get him to send the entire pride after us." 

Kion nodded, and slowly put one foot in front of the other. Fuli helped him, supporting him with her head and keeping his from falling as he unsteadily walked and stumbled forward.  As they went down the steep slope to the ravine at the base of the Outlands, Kion had to move very carefully so as not to slip and hurt himself even more. 

As the two reached the base, Fuli turned to Kion. They had reached a fork in the general path the Outlands had. "So, uh, Kion," she asked. "Where exactly is Zika's pride located?" 

Kion looked at Fuli and smiled through the pain. "I memorized the route. Kovu showed me once while he was teaching me how to fight better one day." He gestured to the left. "That way goes to  Scar's volcano. Naturally, Zira and her pride wanted to be closer to Scar, so they're home is set up there. At the massive termite mound. Or what's left of it." 

Fuli nodded slightly. "Have you been there before," she asked. Kion nodded and blushed. 

"I was, uh, going to, uh, talk to, uh Kovu about....something. Yeah." His cheeks were colored a radiation red. Fuli giggled. 

"So, left?" she said when she stopped. Kion nodded, still flushing furiously. 

The two hobbled on down the path towards the termite mound. The rocky cliffs looked ready to fall onto them at any moment, and Kion could hear the muttering coming from the crevices. He saw a bright red lizard dart underneath a rock. Apparently, news of his and Fuli's arrival was already spreading like wildfire, thanks to Shupavu and her skinks. 

They finally reached the opening leading into the clearing where the dilapidated termite mound sat, cracked and crumbling. Kion and Fuli could see lions moving around in the bright and cloudless sunny sun-light filled blue sky.  Kion groaned slightly and moved forward a bit, letting Fuli do most of the walking and supporting. 

They managed to get about ten feet in before a scream ripped the air. 

"KION!" A large, brown-furred lion with a long black mane rushed towards the two. It was Kovu. Kion blushed at seeing the lion he had a crush on. 

"Hey, Kovu," he grinned weakly. "Long time no see." 

"Kion, what in the name of the Pridelands happened to you?!" Kovu exclaimed, ignoring Kion's weak greeting. He turned to Fuli, suddenly angry. 

"Did you do this?" He growled furiously. He looked ready to tear Fuli apart and into as many tiny pieces as possible if she said yes. 

"No!" Fuli said, defending herself. "I would never hurt Kion! He's my friend!" 

Kovu nodded, the fight seemingly having been sucked out of him. "Yeah," he said in a quiet voice. "Mine too." 

He turned to look at Kion. "You need medical help, fast," he noted. "I'll get my mother, perhaps she can do something about those wounds." 

He looks at Kion one last time before running off back to the mound, yelling his mother's name over and over again. Kion smiled through his agony at the brown lion caring about him so much.

Kovu quickly returned, not just with his mother Zira but with his siblings Vitani and Nuka as well. All four gathered around Kion and Fuli, looking at Kion with concern and worry. You see, Kovu loved Kion, and Vitani and Zira supported Kovu's decisions. Plus, as Zira saw it, an abused and hopeless Kion was an asset against Simba and his usurping pride. And Nuka genuinely liked Kion as a friend and also did whatever his mother asked of him, in hopes he would become the new king and not Kovu. 

"Vitani, go get me my healing gourds," she said, in a commanding and direct voice. Vitani rushed off to fulfill her orders. Nuka hovered at his mother's side, looking at her with abject loyalty and Kion with worry and concern. 

It was only Kovu, however, that Kion had eyes for. His hazel eyes stared deeply into Kovu's dark green ones, much longer than was strictly necessary for only friends. Kovu leaned in and opened his mouth to whisper something into Kion's awaiting and hopeful ear.

"Don't worry, Kion, everything's gonna be alright. Just wait and you'll see. It's all good. It's all good." His soothing words had a calming effect on Kion and he slowly and quietly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep and unconsciousness. 

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