Three: Return to Pride Rock

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"Well, Kion," said Zira, finishing up the next morning. "I think you're good to go." 

Kion yawned, and stretched, almost hitting Zira with his legs. "Oops, sorry," he apologized. 

"It's all right, Kion," Zira smiled. Then she frowned and looked at him. She leaned in. "Look, Kion. I know you have a crush on my son." Kion blushed. Zira ignored him and continued. "And I need to tell you, if you hurt a single hair on his head, you will face the entire wrath of every Outsider and Outlander there is. Do you understand me?" 

Kion looked at her seriously. "Zira, I will kill myself before I hurt Kovu, you have my word."

Zira looked at him and smirked. "The word of a Pridelander, not much isn't it? Oh well, it'll have to do, I guess." 

Kion looked up at her with a smile and slowly sat up, his wounds still aching from yesterday. He crawled out of the makeshift cot and shakily stood up. I took a step forward and realized he could easily walk now. But now he had to go back to his father and the Pride. He wished he could stay here with the people who accepted him like family. But, alas, he had to return to Pride Rock, or else his father would send out spies to find him and beat him before bringing him back in shame and humiliation. 

He sighed. "Zira, thank you for helping me. You didn't have to help me, I know I'm the child of the lion who killed your husband. I would like to formally apologize for my father's murderous actions." 

Zira looked at him. "Thank you, Kion. But I don't think of you as the child of that brute Simba, but as an adopted son of me and Taka. I know he would have loved you to be his son, seeing how well you get along with Nuka, Vitani, and especially Kovu." 

Kion looked at her in confusion. "Who's Taka?" 

Zira looked at him, taken aback. "You don't know? Taka was the name of your uncle, whom everyone calls Scar. He hated that name and the name Taka, and I respected his decision to rename himself to Askari, or the warrior." 

"Askari?" Kion questions. "Wasn't that the name of the first Lion Guard leader?" 

Zira nods. "My husband idolized him very much, and he wished to be renamed as Askari, the warrior of us outcasts and outsiders." 

Kion smiles, his eyebrows up high on his forehead. "Wow, I didn't know Askari loved you guys here so much." 

Zira smiles faintly, looking nostalgically into the distance. "He was a great lion who was mistreated and bullied as a child. He knew what it was like to outcasted from society."  

Kion looks at Zira in a new light. No longer was she the prejudiced and bigoted fanatic he had met before, but now a loving and caring lioness and a better mother than his actual one. 

"Thank you for this, all of this, Zira," Kion says, gesturing all around them. "But me and Fuli need to get back to the Pridelands or my father will hurt me even more."

Zira nods, and looks at Kion. "Kion, if you ever need a real home, you're welcome here, in the Outlands. Yes, we may not have much to eat, but it's a home. And it's yours if you ever need it."

Kion smiles. "Thank you, Zira. But I don't know if I'm ever going to take you up on that." 

He walks out the cave door as Zira grins knowingly at him. "I understand." 

He walks out and nods hello to Nuka, who's waiting for them by the door. The lion grunts and smiles in return. Kovu is waiting for him at the base of the mound. 

"Hey, Kovu," Kion says in greeting. "Your mom said I'm welcome here if I ever need a home." 

"Really?!" Kovu looks at his mom in appreciation. "Thank you, mother!" 

Zira smiles at him lovingly. "You're welcome, Kovu." 

Kion looks around the barren and dirty red landscape. "Where's Fuli?" he asked Zira and Kovu. 

Kovu smirks and nods over Kion's shoulder. "She and Vitani seem to be having some fun." 

Kion turns around and sees Vitani on the ground, with Fuli on top of her. While initially thinking the two are wrestling, he suddenly realizes they're in a passionate kissing session. He blushes and turns away from them. He looks at Kovu and Zira, who're smirking and chuckling at Kion's shock and discomfort. 

"Vitani's lesbian?" he asks in a stupor. He always knew that Fuli was a secret lesbian but didn't think that tough tomboy Vitani was one as well. Kovu nods. 

"We figured it out after she got caught with one of the female hyenas in Jasiri's clan. The hyena disappeared in embarrassment and fear and hasn't talked to us since, but Vitani seems to have fallen for Fuli now. And, unlike you Pridelanders, we actually accept this." 

Kion smiles. "I'm glad Fuli likes a member of your pride. Maybe she can stay here later if she wants, but for now, I have to get back and I need her to accompany me." 

Kovu nods, still chuckling slightly. Kion turns back around and walks over to Fuli and Vitani. Neither of the girls notice him. He clears his throat, and carefully nudges Fuli with one of his paws. She looks at him and slowly gets off of Vitani, who glares at Kion for a second before sighing and licking Fuli. 

"Hey, Fuli," Kion says gently. "I'm glad you like it here and I realize you found a girlfriend, but I kinda need to get back to the Pridelands and my father, and I need you to come with me." 

Fuli sighs and nods, saddened. She looks sad to go, and Vitani appears to feel the same way. The two turn and licks each other's cheeks one more time, making Kion give a small little cheer and laughter come from Nuka, Kovu, and Zira before Fuli turns back to Kion and nods. 

"Okay, Kion," she says happily, still a bit dazed and looking like she just got off something really tasty, "I'm ready to go now." 

Kion grins, and turns to the rest of Zira's Pride. "Thank you all for helping me and I will consider Zira's proposal to me that I return and stay here with you all as my new family. I wish you all well and goodbye." 

They all say bye to Kion and Fuli and hugs and kisses are exchanged between Fuli and Vitani one last time before the lion and cheetah start their journey back to Pride Rock. 

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