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"I have really bad news Sylvia." Oga Timmy said rushing into my office. I looked up and gave him a hard glare, I was in the middle of my meditation. He knows I don't like it when I'm disturbed but when I saw the urgency on his face I sat up and asked carefully. "What's wrong, is everything okay." I rushed out. "Wale is dead." He exclaimed. "What do you mean by Wale is dead, he can't be. We just saw each other few hours ago. It's not even up to twenty four hours." I screamed frustrated.

This can't be happening to me, no I refuse it. He can't be dead, he just can't be I need him to be alive in order to authorize the shipping of the weapons. I need them desperately. "Where did you get this news from, are you sure it isn't a rumour." I asked. It's possible it may not be true,maybe it's some idiot trying to get fame but I'm sure he or she would be dealt with accordingly by Wale.

"It is Sylvia, Sabo told me and sent me proof." He said walking towards me with his tablet in his hand. He outstretched his hand to show me, what I saw was disgusting to any man but to me it didn't faze me because I've seen worse. In fact I've done worse than this. His eyes were gourged out and he had a big slash on his neck, whoever did this was brutal and merciless just like me.

"This doesn't change anything right, we are still getting the weapons. Aren't we." I inquired but he shook his head. This can't happen, not now when I really need this. "I'm sorry Sylvia but the deal is off. Sabo confirmed that it wasn't a written agreement so they can't release anything." He sighed giving me a sad look. I didn't want his stupid apology, what I wanted was for Wale to come back to life and help me.

This is a complete disaster, what am I going to do. I don't have enough resources to attack, it would be a death sentence to go without having enough defence. Things aren't going according to plan and I hate it, I've always been in control but now it looks like it's slipping out of my hands. The only person I can trace this to is Ovie but how does he know of my plans, it's like he's everywhere watching my move and sabotaging them.

"Sylvia what if this is a sign for you to back out. You can always leave this country and forget about this revenge of yours." He suggested. "Of course not, what on earth made you think this would make me end this." He must be delusional if he thinks I'd be forced to back out on my revenge. I've being planning this for years, waiting for the perfect time to attack him. I've done despicable things in order to get to where I am.

I can't afford to just give up, Ovie himself would be disappointed. I can't allow him to have the satisfaction of laughing last. I swore to my parents and son to destroy him and I'd do just that. "The plan is still in motion whether I get the weapons or not. It'd be stupid and weak of me to run." I said. He shook his head repeatedly. "No Sylvia I'm against this. You attacking is going to lead to your death, I can't lose you. You're like a daughter to me, I love you very much." He begged.

I could see much pain in his eyes but I wasn't go to give in to his request, I have to do this for my own peace of mind."I'm sorry Timmy but I have to, he hurt me so bad that it scarred me for life. I still carry the mark he gave me on my back." He tried talking but I wasn't done with pouring my feelings out. "I can't give birth anymore, I know that's not his fault but I'm still going to blame him for that." I cried pitifully

Timmy couldn't bear to see my tears without doing anything so he came to my side to comfort me. I voluntarily fell into his arms and cried. "It was so bad Timmy, the abuse everything. He made me feel worthless, I was shattered. Everytime I wake up I still remember his downgrading words towards me." I said squeezing my eyes shut remembering the memories. It felt just like yesterday that he beat me up, I can never forget the night I told him I was pregnant.

"Please Sylvia, that's enough I've heard a lot." He begged fighting the tears threatening to fall out. "No I have to tell you everything so you can feel my pain and understand my own point of view." I argued. He needs to know why I'm like this because Ovie turned me into this heartless and yet broken human being that I am today. "The worst feeling I've ever had was when he told me my son was dead due to his inability to breathe well and like a naive fool I fell for it." I said scolding myself.

"Imagine, he killed his own son in the worst way ever by beheading him. What kind of a father does that to his own child " I screamed holding my hands to myself. The image of his head can never leave my head, it was too clear. I didn't get to know him, he never knew he had a mother that was mourning for him. He died believing that his own mother left him to die in the hospital. What kind of mother am I to let my own flesh and blood die without doing anything to avoid it.

"I deserve everything that's happening to me Timmy so if I die it won't be a big deal, I've killed so many people." I said shaking my head. "No Sylvia don't say that again, you aren't the cause of your son's death, it's all Ovie. I have something else to tell you which would definitely change your mind." "Sylvia you have to kill him, Timmy is the rat." Eve and Stephen said simultaneously bursting through the doors, I stood up flabbergasted by the accusation.

"We have proof Sylvia, look at the footage. He purposely opened the warehouse, that's how Ahmed knew because he was unfortunately snooping around that day." I looked at the pictures and I confirmed he was the one. "I can explain Sylvia." "Ehen we played his recorded call with Georgina after the deal was called off." I asked them to play it to confirm if it was true and they did.

"What were you thinking accepting the deal, are you mad. You weren't supposed to, that wasn't the plan." His voice boomed from the phone. I looked at him but he didn't dare to oppose what they said, that means it was true. How can I be so stupid, of course he'd be the one, he knows my every move. I dragged my hands over my face. "Timmy why would you betray me like this, you know how I feel about it." I said with so much sadness.

I was definitely hurt by this information, never in a million years had I expected this from him. "It isn't like that Sylvia, please just listen to me." He begged. "I've heard enough Timmy, please have someone to take him to the cells. I'd deal with him later." I ordered, I'm not sure I could bring myself to kill him but I have to. He committed an offence punishable by death. Why Timmy why, I trusted you wholeheartedly.

"Hi mom and dad, I'm here again to see you." I said sitting crossed leg at their graves. "This may be last time I'd have the opportunity to visit you so I'm going to stay a bit longer." I said placing their flowers respectively. "I'm scared, I know I try to put a strong facade but I'm not. It's hard to admit it but I'm scared of Ovie and what he'd do to me if I eventually fail." I confessed. Yes, I'm terrified of him. You would be if you went through what I did in his hands.

"I hope things get better mom, I miss you guys so so much. The guilt is still there staring at my face." I sobbed. "My son would have been a big boy by now but I couldn't even protect him just like I couldn't protect you guys. If only I'd never married him this won't be happening." I cried. I know I was paying for my sins but my son shouldn't have been involved. It was between I and his father.

"I promise I'd avenge you when I finally attack even if that's the last thing I do. I cross my heart " I said kissing their graves. I stood up and dusted my clothes, with one final look I turned my back and headed towards my car. I have to be strong now, the time has come. I've long waited to get my hands on him and I finally will but why do I feel like it's not the right thing.

I'm still moving on with the plan, I have to.

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