Entrapta's Guide to the Universe 2 🪐

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"Edit to log: Space exploration day two: Everything is going as planned in our trip. We are still traveling throughout the cosmos observing the beauty in the stars. However, a new revelation has been made. Kyrion is interested in robots! He's been an amazing assistant in my new upgrade of Emily. He was the one that was able to upgrade her hard drive that has been in place for several years! He's already agreed to help me with my next robot build! Anyway, this is Entrapta signing-"

"And this is Kyrion signing off as Entrapta's new assistant!" Kyrion interjected.

Entrapta pressed the stop button on her recorder, and she smiled at Kyrion as she opened the door to the main room with everyone else.

"Morning Ky!" Light Spinner greeted.

"Morning mom! I was just helping Entrapta upgrade Emily, and she even mentioned allowing me to help make some upgrades to Darla's system!"

"Oh my, that's amazing sweetie! You really have a knack for tech."

Kyrion smiled and sat down for some breakfast which today were Entrapta's tiny pancakes that Adora "borrowed" the recipe for. Catra was busy placing tiny squirts of syrup on each pancake for some sweetness that Adora always said was trapped in Catra's heart, but Kyrion only saw her as a sometimes bossy older sister.

As Kyrion settled down with his mini pancakes, you get up and head to the secret room where space surrounds you. You come occasionally to gaze into the endless void of space and hear the whispers of the stars telling the stories of those before them, their struggles, their pain, and their triumphs; history hidden behind the highlighted beauty of space.

Light Spinner sneaks up behind you and places a loving hand on your right shoulder. "Can you hear the twinkling of the stars telling the stories of the dead too?" she asked you with a twinkle in her eye.

"Yeah, I— I guess can hear them too," you responded hesitantly.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I guess I didn't realize that someone else was able to hear the stars. I— I just," you glanced into Light Spinner's eyes as she gazes into yours, "I just can't shake the feeling that there is a reason why the stars are talking to us. Like there's something that's endangering us all. I just can't watch anymore carnage at the hands of something evil," tears started to trickle down your face.

Light Spinner's eyes start to precipitate with tears hearing your fears that have overtaken your body and mind lately. You lean into her, and Light Spinner embraces you in a hug, a comfortable feeling that brings you back to reality.

"Sweetheart, I love you dearly. You have nothing to worry about. We must put Horde Prime and the fight against the Horde in the past. I know how hard that is, and I'm still trying to leave that part of my life behind. However, we have nothing to worry about. We are free now, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, we have the universe in our grasp too. Anything we can put our mind too can become our reality, but to be able to accomplish this we must liberate not only our body but our mind. It's time to be in the present, cherish the moments we are together and cherish the moments we have with our children. I love you, and I promise that I won't let you feel fear ever again," Light Spinner soothed.

You curl closer into her, and looked up into her eyes. She leans into your lips, and both of your lips lock together into a kiss. The bliss of the kiss takes your mind off of your worries and replaces it with butterflies in your stomach that you still get every time you see Light Spinner.

"I love you so much," Light Spinner muttered.

"I love you too, Beatrix," you muttered.

You realize Beatrix is glaring at someone over your shoulder, and you jerk your head to your right to see that Adora, Catra, Kyrion, and Entrapta are staring at you with different emotions written in their eyes. Entrapta's eyes light up like the stars in space with happiness that they provide, but Kyrion's disgusted expression next to her reveals the extremists; Catra and Adora's eyes reveal humiliation in the way their eyes sunk into their skulls.

Entrapta suddenly pulled out her recorder without anyone noticing: "Edit to log: Space exploration day two: Apparently, a kiss is the cure to anything—"

"ENTRAPTA!!! This is not the time!" Light Spinner sternly said.

"OH! Right! Sorry! This is Entrapta promising that she will update at a later time." Entrapta smiled awkwardly at everyone as she left the area to her lab room.

"Edit to log: Space exploration day two: Alright, I'm back. Anyway, as I was saying a kiss can truly cure anything. Apparently love and affection can be all anyone needs to be able to feel grounded. However, I am confused because I always thought you needed medicine to cure your aliments. This will definitely require more research. Anyway, this is Entrapta signing off."

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