Chapter 111: Ready, Set, Don't Go

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me

~She's at the startin' line of the rest of her life

As ready as she's ever beenGot the hunger and the stars in her eyesThe prize is hers to win

She's waitin' on my blessings

Before she hits that open roadBut baby get ready, get set, don't go~

(Billy Ray Cyrus)

Good Morning Upper East Siders.

How do you look today? You know image is everything. But under those perfect clothes and perfect smiles everyone has their not so perfect secrets. Lucky for me, nothing can stay hidden forever. Whether the truth's in a diary or the daily news. Once it's out it will change everything. Let the chips fall where they may along with the husbands and boyfriends

Elizabeth had picked up Ella super early from her dads. She could tell he was in a foul mood and he didn't want to talk to anyone really. She walked into the Empire with her little girl on her hip. She saw Chuck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"How are my girls today?" he asked.

"Good, momma is gonna spend the day with Ella before I leave her for 7 weeks" Elizabeth replied, "Does Daddy wanna join us?"

"I so wish I could" he replied "But I have this party to plan for my father"

"And I so...actually..."

"I know" he replied kissing her "I'll miss you though"

Nate walked over with a key card.

"I take it you've decided to ask Lola to move in for the summer?" Chuck asked taking Ella from Elizabeth.

"She sleeps here every night. I wanna see her every day"

"Yeah that's the perfect reason to ask a girl to move in" Elizabeth replied.

"Why did you move in?" Nate asked.

"So that Ella was under the same roof as her parents"


"I may have had other motives in asking her to move in" Chuck replied "This place needed a women's touch"

"Couldn't we all" Bart said walking in then looked at Elizabeth "I didn't know the uniform was casual?"

"I don't work here" she replied "But speaking of work, I have a list of stuff I need to drop off with Matt."

"Is Carter coming home for the summer to run the shop?" Nate asked.

"I have no clue; he's not talking to me" she replied and took Ella from Chuck. "We will see you later before I drop her off with Dad"

"Of course," he replied and she kissed him then glanced at Bart then left.

She got to the coffee shop and spotted Matt behind the counter.

"I would like one hug and one coffee" she replied and he came around the corner and hugged her.

"I will miss you and I will miss this little girl" Matt replied.

"We will miss you. It's only 7 weeks."

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