~Steven Grant, First Dinner~

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Y/n has been eyeing a particular coworker since she started at her new job at the museum. Occasionally he would catch her eye and anxiously wave towards her with the biggest smile. It was typical for her to find him tour-guiding the visitors of the museum.

He typically wore graphic button-up shirts that he recently started tucking in, and occasionally he would wear adorable sweaters.

It was common for Donna to catch her staring, "Why don't you just take a crack at it already. You can tell by the way he looks at you that he likes you back anyway".

She drops one of the items she was scanning as Donna says this. "Sorry", she mumbles.

She leans down to pick it up and hears Donna yell, "Stevie! Get over here!"

Y/n looks up to see Steven waving goodbye to his last tour group and shuffles over to them.

"Hey, sorry Donna. And it's Steven, with a 'V'", he leans against the countertop, on the other side of where y/n stood at the cash register.

Donna continued to smack at the gum in her mouth, "Yeah alright. Look, I need you two to go into the storage area and clear up some boxes, alright?" Steven and y/n just stare at each other anxiously. "Go!"

Donna's voice makes them jump, and y/n runs to the other side of the counter over to Steven, she waves them on and they both walk towards the storage closet.

"She never fails to scare the bloody-hell out of me" Steven says, with the most adorable, soft voice.

"Yeah, and her gum chewing drives me crazy", to her surprise, this makes Steven laugh.

They get inside the closet and take a look at all the boxes spread around all over the place. They start packing them and organizing them along one wall.

She catches Steven eyeing a poster. Steven notices her watching him, "Oh, sorry. It's just, the Ennead has 9 gods, there's only 7 shown here".

Y/n walks up next to him to get a better look at the poster, and notices he was right. "Aw yeah, you're totally right".

She turns to look at Steven, his eyes are a dark brown, adding to his innocent look, and his hair is slightly slicked back, but the curls still stick out and about.

He holds his hands together and fidgets with his fingers, "So, I've noticed you around the museum quite a bit, how long have you been in the area?" Before she could answer he started again, "Oh, bullocks. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound creepy or anything. It's just, I know most of the people who work here so it's easy to notice when we get someone new". His laugh is shaded with how embarrassed he is.

She notices his cheeks turn red, "No, it's alright. I totally get it. I've only moved here about a month ago". She starts to get nervous shakes, but feels bold, so she continues. "I've seen you touring, you seem to have quite an interest in Egyptian History".

"Oh my days, yes." His face brightens back up as he talks about his interests in Egyptian History. He brings up some of his favorite gods to learn about, his love in learning hieroglyphics, and some cool facts.

Donna barges into the storage closet and stops Steven from his history-spree. "We outta be closing here in a few minutes, so if you two could quit nattering and get out here, that'd be great".

They both looked at each other and ran to keep up with Donna who was already out the door.

They both exited the museum together and noticed it was still day. Y/n took a deep breath, "If you want to, I'd love to hear more about what you know on the Ennead, do you want to go out to eat maybe?"

Steven happily agreed and eagerly brought her to one of his favorite places. They both felt instantly connected and were their true selves around each other.

While they both waited in line to be seated, y/n pulled out her phone and took a live picture of Steven as they made jokes, trying to pass the time.

The photo y/n took:

Steven and y/n both had dinner together as it slowly got dark outside, Steven continued to tell her about all he knew about sarcophaguses and the gods, and when they were done they stood outside, preparing to part ways

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Steven and y/n both had dinner together as it slowly got dark outside, Steven continued to tell her about all he knew about sarcophaguses and the gods, and when they were done they stood outside, preparing to part ways.

"Thank you for letting me take you out to dinner, y/n" Steven held both of y/n's hands in his as they stood outside of the restaurant. There were amazing fairy lights strung up behind them, perfectly lighting up his face.

His smile was so genuine, his hands warm, his hair perfect and soft looking. "Well, technically I asked you out to dinner".

His perfect white teeth showed, and his eyes squinted as he laughed. "Yeah, I suppose so, yeah", he hesitated for a second, continuing to hold onto her hands.

He looked into her eyes, distracted at their beauty. His eyes shifted down to her lips as he slowly leaned in towards her. His lips softly brushed hers, and then went around her top lip, holding her there. He brought one of his hands to the back of her neck to reposition his lips, trying to stay connected a little while longer. When he pulled away he softly said, "How about you come over to my flat tonight? It's getting late and my place is just across the road".

She happily agreed and they both went on their way, Steven kept his arm wrapped around her shoulders as he guided her to his place.

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