~Jonathan Levy, Sudden Guest~

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Jonathan and y/n sat in the kitchen, their seats as close as they could get them to each other. They had Alfredo pasta in front of them that Jonathan had just got done making. It was already getting dark by the time they ate because they had been out all day.

"No, no, no. You said she spilled soup on her fluffy, feathery scarf thing." She twirled the pasta around her fork and carelessly shoved it in her mouth.

"I think I would remember if it was soup. In fact, I distinctly remember there being hamburger chunks." He said this lightly laughing. He continued to rub her knee as they ate.

"Soup can have hamburger chunks."

"Hm, Yeah I guess you're right. Well, anyway, we couldn't get home for a few hours, so she sat in the backseat the whole time. She didn't want to go inside looking like someone threw up on her. By the time we got home, my car smelled like it was rotting. You wouldn't think it would smell bad, but oh-. Whatever was in that soup, was horrendous." He waved his hand.

"EW." She started uncontrollably laughing as Jonathan got flashbacks of the smell.

Their laughs got cut off by the sound of knocking on the door. They both looked up at each other, slightly concerned that someone would be at their door this late.

Jonathan got up, slowly pulling his hand off her leg. She looked at him worryingly so he tried to reassure her, "Hey, it's okay. I'll go get it real quick."

He walked down the hall and y/n was quickly running up behind him and wrapping her hand in the crook of his arm. They both walked to the door and opened it to find Mira on their front porch.

Jonathan's face dropped. Mira held a bright smile on her face, then looked over to y/n who held on to Jonathan, and her smile seemed to fade slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry to intrude. I just wanted to see our daughter."

His face stayed plain as he spoke to her, "Mira, she's sleeping." He looked back to the kitchen and y/n for a moment, "This really isn't a good time."

"Oh, no that's okay. I'll only be a second." She insisted on coming in, so she easily brushed by Jonathan and into their daughter's room.

Jonathan and y/n watched outside the room as Mira kneeled up to his daughter's bed and began stroking her hair.

Jonathan turned past y/n and went up the stairs to their room, y/n followed.

Jonathan anxiously brushed his hands through his hair as he went around their bed and sat in a chair by the window. Y/n sat on the bed next to him.

She could see how tired he was as he drifted into thought

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She could see how tired he was as he drifted into thought. Every time he saw Mira he pulled into his head, and it didn't seem like he was fully aware anymore.

She laid a hand on his knee as he kept his eyes closed, "Jonathan? What are you thinking?"

His eyes stayed shut as he shook his head slightly, thinking. "I can't keep seeing her, she can't keep showing up," he opened his eyes and leaned towards her. "I know why she's here. She's done it twice before. She only shows up this late if... if she wants to hook-up. She didn't know you were staying here."

He watched as her eyes shifted and continued, "I don't ever want that to happen again though. Being with you, has been the best thing that has happened to me. You're good for me. I'm not going to let Mira take that away, but looking at her.. makes me feel guilty."

"Jonathan, I trust you." She held his hands, "We'll be okay. Mira will never get in the way of that. And here in a bit, we'll be alone again. You don't have to worry."

Jonathan sat on the bed next to her and held her close to him. A few minutes passed, "You've treated me better than anyone else ever had."

Y/n stayed silent as she felt his beard brush her forehead. He kissed the top of her head lightly.

They both heard creaking out in the hall, but didn't move. They both knew Mira was outside the door watching them, y/n had left the door half open, so she had a clear shot of them. Their backs were to her so they both stayed in place and continued to hold each other.

Then they heard her travel back down the stairs and out the door. When the door closed, Jonathan pulled her head closer to him. "What do you say we go back downstairs and finish eating?"

"Yeah," she hugged him tighter before they both got up and led each other downstairs. It didn't feel right sitting back at the kitchen, so instead they brought their plates to living room, turned off the lights, and turned on a movie.

When they were done eating they cuddled up to each other in a bunch of piled blankets and fell asleep as the TV played in the background.

Oscar Isaac/His Characters : One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now