Aoba Johsai - Chat

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Chat Room
AlienLover joined the chat
AlienLover: H E L P

AlienLover: H E L P

Spikie joined the chat
Spikie: what the hell do you want Oikawa
AlienLover: awww :( Iwaaaaaa why are you so mean :(((((((
Spikie: -_-
StarDustCrusader has joined the chat
StarDustCrusader: what the hell do you want at this hour
AlienLover: not you tooooooo!
AlienLover: Iwa what have you done to y/n! She used to be so nice to me!!!
StarDustCrusader: you've brought this treatment upon yourself now what do you want
Spikie: for real
Spikie: it's 3 in the morning Oikawa and we have morning practice
StarDustCrusader: oof morning practice >< see that is why ya girl didn't join a club 😘
AlienLover: don't worry 😉 I'll always be ready for volleyball
Spikie: not if your half asleep!
StarDustCrusader: he has a point Oikawa if you really want to be better than that Kageyama kid you need to be healthy
AlienLover: I am HeAlTy!
StarDustCrusader: •-• sure
AlienLover: what do you mean sure?!
Spikie: enough
Spikie: Oikawa what the hell did you want!
AlienLover: why do you have to be so mean about it :((((
StarDustCrusader: don't pop a blood vein Iwa
StarDustCrusader: I've got this -_-
AlienLover: what's going on rn
StarDustCrusader: Oikawa you have until the count of 3 to spill or your dead
AlienLover: what's going on!
StarDustCrusader: 3
AlienLover: Iwa help me! She's crazy
StarDustCrusader: 2
StarDustCrusader: you don't want me to get to 1
Spikie: trust me you don't want to know what happens when you get to 1
AlienLover: what happens at 1 🥺
StarDustCrusader: •-• this is your last chance spill
AlienLover: you guys are freaking me out rn!
StarDustCrusader: 1
Spikie: farewell Oikawa you may not have been a good person but you were a good setter
OnionHead has joined the chat
OnionHead: what is going on?
AlienLover: why do I hear knocking at my door?!
Spikie: say your prayers while you can
AlienLover: i think it's y/n! She's coming for me!
AlienLover: I've locked the doors
AlienLover: I think I'm safe
AlienLover: oh no! I heard the blinds move
Spikie: •.•
AlienLover: no no please spare meeeeeee
AlienLover: all I wanted was milk
AlienLover: don't kill meeeeeee
AlienLover: I'm to young to die
AlienLover: I can't die satisfied until I defeat Ushijima! Nooooooooo
StarDustCrusader: you have a serious obsession with Ushijima
AlienLover: no I don't!
StarDustCrusader: and why the hell didn't you ask for the milk in the first place!
StarDustCrusader: I'm your freaking neighbor you could've just knocked you idiot
AlienLover: oh
AlienLover: but if your still logged on
AlienLover: then whose in here with me!

AlienLover: why has no one responded
AlienLover: help meeeeee
Spikie has left the chat
AlienLover: no Iwa don't leave
StarDustCrusader has left the chat
AlienLover: why is everyone leaving!
OnionHead: I'm just going to go...
AlienLover: no don't leave me alone!
OnionHead: good luck captain...
OnionHead: I'll see you at practice
OnionHead has left the chat
AlienLover: I'm all alone
AlienLover: I guess I can use this time to gather my thoughts before I die
AlienLover: I can't believe all of this happened simply because I wanted milk for my cereal =(
AlienLover: farewell cruel world
AlienLover: oh wait it's just a cat

AlienLover: I don't own a cat

AlienLover: whose knocking at my door?!
AlienLover: my heart can't take much more of this
StarDustCrusader has joined the chat
StarDustCrusader: I brought you milk
AlienLover: bless you you kind and beautiful woman
Spikie has joined the chat
Spikie: are you hitting on y/n
StarDustCrusader: ooooh Oikawa you in trouble
AlienLover: no it's not what it sounds like!
AlienLover: I would never make a move on your woman
Spikie: sure you wouldn't
StarDustCrusader: I left the milk by the door
StarDustCrusader: have you seen my cat by any chance
StarDustCrusader: Caboodles tends to slip in and out of places and I can't find him
AlienLover: yes and thank you
AlienLover: I will throw him out the window so catch him!
StarDustCrusader: wait which one!
Spikie: if you kill her cat Oikawa
AlienLover: I already threw it out
Spikie: what the hell
StarDustCrusader: bless the Lord I caught him
StarDustCrusader: well good night everyone
StarDustCrusader: Iwa we're going to go watch Sonic tomorrow at your place right?
AlienLover: sonic! Can I come?
Spikie: no
AlienLover: no I can't come or no to your date ;P
StarDustCrusader: 0-0 don't try and flatter yourself
Spikie has left the chat
StarDustCrusader: oh you better watch out tomorrow at practice Oikawa
StarDustCrusader: I think you set off a bomb
AlienLover: but he loves me so it's fine
StarDustCrusader: keep telling yourself that 0-0
StarDustCrusader: later ✌️
StarDustCrusader has left the chat
AlienLover: ah im all alone again
AlienLover: but at least I have milk now!
AlienLover has left the chat

😘 hope you enjoyed this one (it is kind of short :/
I know I didn't use the whole Aoba Johsai team, but I felt like there was a good dynamic between these four
Until next time ✌️💜😘

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