Special Chapter: Swear By the Pirates' Code! pt. 5

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The afternoon's long shades adorn the pavement as a pair make their way home, today's classes done and over, but not quite out of mind.

Grim: Professor Crewel didn't have to get so mad! I didn't mess up the potion on purpose... I couldn't stop thinking about the tunas in that sea...

Rose: Come on, we have tuna at home.

Grim: IT'S NOT THE SAME! I want a fresh tuna!

Rose: Another day, okay? We can make it into a picnic!

Grim: Hrrmm... Only if you make those small sandwiches again!

One promise is all it takes for Grim to stop dragging his feet. The walk to Ramshackle is uneventful but enjoyable, the chatter of crows above less ominous and more a comforting sign that home is close. Rose can't wait to lay on the couch and finish fixing that skirt she found at the thrift store.

...Or not. Neither she nor Grim miss the head of blonde hair that's sneaking to the back of their dorm. Carefully she open the steel gate, trying to avoid the awful sound it makes when pushed too far due it's rust.

Grim: Hey, wasn't that the sparkly guy? It looks like he's walking but he's really floating.

Rose: Floating around so he doesn't make a sound! I'd say we caught him with his thumb in the pudding. Let's go, old sport!

Pulling from all the spy movies they know, Rose and Grim follow Tink inside the forest. The slight glow of rainbow dust makes the task far, far easier, really. A trap of confidence, she realizes, when the dust at her feet quickly fades. The time it stays is far shorter than the dust that clung on her just yesterday. The wind clears what little was left of the path, and now both stand in a forest of dark dry trees that grows even darker witch each second.

Grim: I think he went this way! Sniff sniff... sniff sniff...

No, Rose refuses to admit defeat. Surely, living nearby this forest for a while now, she can make sense of it. If not to find Tink, to at least return to her dorm. While looking around she can hear the murmuring of people, following the sound of hushed conversation.

Grim: Aren't we... near that hollow tree! I smell-

???: Oh! I knew I heard that voice, it's the raccoon! Come here~

Grim: You won't catch me this time!

Grim jumps back with incredible speed, narrowly avoiding eager hands. That vivid red hair is instantly recognizable. The boy slaps a hand on his knee with a laugh, though Grim finds the situation far less funny.

Rose: The trespasser!

Percy: The what? I've got a name you know!? Percy, the spirit of fun and adventure! So, what brings you around? Couldn't get enough of me?

Grim: We've had more than enough.

Rose: This is our dorm. What are you doing here?

Percy: Oh you know, having fun. We're planning our next hit.

Grim: Hit...!? So you are the one behind it all!

Percy: That's right! Me and my men have been working hard at fighting the pirates, right men!?

His voice rings clear and loud through the forest. Soon after there's footsteps approaching. Kids clad in white and blue informs just like their leader's, and not a single one is wearing it properly. Their faces are so round and cute Rose wants to pinch their cheeks.

RSA Student: Right boss!

Percy: Here they are! The bravest men you'll find in any land and sea!

Rose: Percy, these are children.

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