Special Chapter: Swear By the Pirates' Code! pt. 6

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Rose is in her bed asleep until the mirror started to glow and mist swirls to clouds part and give view to a new scene. Children tied to a ship's mast, surrounded by men carrying sharp swords and unfriendly looks. At the front stands the man clad in fabrics finer than the rest, graciously extending a hand. The children are freed and rush madly towards him, only for the girl aboard to stop them in their tracks.


Kid: He says we'll walk the plank if we don't work for him!

Wendy: Oh no, we won't. Peter Pan will save us.

Captain Hook: Peter Pan will save them, Smee.

Both men laugh, mocking and derision amping their volume higher. The taller one uses his shorter friend for support as he wipes a tear from his eye. He soon turns to the girl shooting him an indignant glare.

Captain Hook: But a thousand pardons, my dear. I don't believe you are in on our little joke. You see, we left a present for Peter. Could he but see within the package, he would find an igneous little device.

Smee: Set, so, that when the clock is like this...

Captain Hook: Peter Pan will be BLASTED out of Never Land.... Forever.

Then, the scene change back into the mermaid lagoon in her island princess outfit and look at the navy captains still there.

Rose: So, Eric you are worthy to be the guardian of the sun jewel shard.

Captain Eric: Thank you, princess. (bow his head)

Captain Edward: (silent)

Rose: Hm. Something wrong?

Captain Eric: No, princess.

Rose: I see....

Rose threw a shuriken star at Captain Edward reveal a boy with icy blue-white hair, blue eyes and scar across his left eye. And, he wears wears a dark blue hat, with a blue and white checkered strip. He wears a blue shirt with a yellow tie and a red suit with a golden J badge on his chest. He also has a purple cape, dark blue shoes, white gloves and his Joker Vision, the purple eye mask. His scar on his eye is colored indigo.

Rose: I knew you show up, Joker. What did you do to the real Captain Edward?

Kaitou Joker: He's in his bedroom all tie up.

Rose: Tch. I'll take you down myself.

Kaitou Joker: With your weapon. (smirked)

Rose: Yep, fan mode!

Kaitou Joker: Fan? (laugh)

Rose: This is more than a fan.

She use her breathing techique of the wind.

Rose: Breath of the Wind Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree!


Kaitou Joker: Ah! (pain)

Rose: Want some more, Joker.

Kaitou Joker: I'll pass. (disappear)

Rose: Coward.

Just then, she heard a ticking of the pocketwatch resounding unnaturally loud. There's a gwaning anxiety eating Rose from inside as she watches each second tick. And then...

The building shakes at it's very core, an explosion waking Ramshackle as a whole with a startle. Grim is the first to jump, rushing to the window. Rose can see from where she is, eyes wide in terror as the red glow of flames rises from deep in the forest.

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