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Harvey doesn't move from the doorway, as though the connection of our gazes has immobilized him. Maru is still rustling around in the bag and Emily is reaching for the bloody rag that slipped from my fingers onto the floor, so neither of them see the stiffening of his shoulders, the flare of recognition in his eyes.

Of course he recognizes me. There was no way he couldn't. It was just yesterday that we had been flailing all over each other like hormone-fueled teenagers. And the whole time he had been the town doctor - my doctor. With all of the people that were at the Night Market, what were the odds that he would be the one to strike up a conversation with me?

What are we supposed to do now? Act like we know each other? Because we don't, not really. I know his name and that he likes coffee and the sound that he makes when he climaxes.

The remainder of the blood in my body feels like it has gathered in my face. I press my hands over my eyes, probably smearing blood across the heated skin.

Emily squeezes my shoulder in sympathy. "Is the pain getting worse?"

I don't even care about my injury anymore but it's not like I can tell her the real reason for my distress.

"I'm fine," I respond in a voice that does not sound fine. "The lights are just really bright in here."

"Here, let me try to get some of this blood off." Maru's voice comes from my right side. I barely wince as she starts blotting at the skin that isn't covered by my hands. She says to Harvey, "She might need stitches. I have everything ready."

He clears his throat. "Right."

My heart is pounding so hard everyone in the room can probably hear its erratic rhythm. I peek out through the slots of my fingers. To my relief, he's turned away, swiftly washing his hands in the steel sink.

I take the opportunity to observe him more closely. He's wearing a similar outfit to the one he wore last night except now he has a long white coat over his dress shirt. Everything else is the same - the dark eyes and hair and mustache, the bridge of his glasses resting on the sharp angle of his nose, his lips - oh, god, I remember exactly how his lips felt moving against mine, the way they tasted-

"So, how did this injury happen?" Harvey has switched to a formal and almost blunt manner of speaking that's standard for a medical professional. I sense he's about to face me soon so I close my fingers over my eyes again.

He's indirectly addressing me, but Emily thankfully jumps in. "Caira fell while trying to get out of her seat at Gus's and busted her head on the side of the bar."

"How long ago was this?" He's closer now and there's the sound of rubber snapping; he must be putting on gloves.

Emily comes to my rescue again. "I'd say about ten minutes ago."

How has it only been ten minutes? It feels like time has stopped completely. The short silence is broken by the sound of a stool rolling close to me. Then I'm swathed in the scent of coffee and spiced cinnamon, and I know he's right there, inches away, but I'm worried what will show if I reveal my face again. Definitely embarrassment, but maybe something else. Something that hints that there is more between Harvey and I than strictly a doctor and patient relationship.

"Caira?" Harvey's mouth draws out the syllables of my name the same way he did when I'd first introduced myself. My thoughts chase themselves into visions of that mouth claiming me, roaming over my body as possessively as his eyes had before, moving lower and lower...

I can't put it off any longer. I slowly lower my hands, hoping my face isn't as red as it feels. He's sitting by the exam bed, close enough that I can see flecks of dark green in his irises I didn't notice the night before. His expression is reserved, but there's a slight tension around his eyes as they bounce back and forth between both of mine. His cheeks are tinged with pink. "I'm going to touch you now. Is that okay?"

Coffee and Spice | Harvey | Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now