Natsu VS Juvia

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While Gajeel is marking Levy, Natsu is working on breaking out of the cage. "I need my Gray..." He growled. He pounded on runes.

"It's no use. My wonderful Freed makes the most powerful runes ever." Laxus said sitting there. "We wait til he returns. He'll be back before night fall."

"I'll take that bet." Wendy said with smirk.

"How much?"

"50 jewels is all I have on me at the moment."


"Can you shut up and help me out!?" Natsu shouted. "That stupid water bitch is stealing my mate from me." Natsu is growled.

"We won't let that happen. Hey Wendy your about to lose jewels." Laxus said. The door opened. Revealing a mate in the door way. Wait that's not Freed. It's...

"Chelia!?" Wendy said jumping up excitedly. "What are you doing here?" Wendy asked jumping over.

"I came to visit you." Chelia said.

"Can you let me out?"

"Sorry no." Chelia said placing her head against the runes. It's a little dangerous right now.

Suddenly Natsu hand rips through the barrier. "Just accept Juvia loves you Gray-Sama!" Juvia shouts.

"I don't feel the same." Gray shot back. "Go look for someone else to love!" He yelled. "I can't love someone who is this clingy. Seriously! You literally won't let me go to the bathroom by myself! I have to get someone to hold you back so I can use the restroom! Just please give me some space." He pleaded.

Natsu stormed up the stairs. "This isn't going to end well." Chelia said scared.

"Natsu your scaring my mate!" Wendy yelled.

"Sorry!" He yelled back.

Once he caught sight of Juvia, he threw a punch. "Natsu how did you escape?" Bickslow asked.

"Is my runes getting weak? How did I fail?" Freed asked tears leaking out.

"You made Freed cry idiot!" Evergreen shouted. Suddenly the ground shook. Lighting was spreader through the floor. It didn't touch Freed. Everyone was screaming in pain.

"We protect our mates at all costs. If anything happens to them, someone will have to the price to pay." Natsu said holding Gray up.

"Gray-Sama is mine!" Juvia yelled after the lighting vanished.

"No he's not. How would you love Gray?"

"He cleared my rain! He was the first to be kind to me!"

"What about Gajeel and Lucy? You only truly like him because his magic works well with water." He growled.

"Juvia knows all about Gray-Sama!"

"Oh yeah? What's his favorite food? What's his favorite movie and why? Do you even know why he likes to fight?" Natsu asked. Juvia was quiet. "His favorite food is double chocolate chip ice cream. His favorite movie is frozen because he saw a future goal for his magic. He likes to fight to so he can get stronger to protect his friends." Natsu snapped.

"How the hell do you know all that?" Gray asked still in Natsu's arms.

"Because I loved you since we were children. I've always tried to deny it. So that's why I constantly started challenging you to fights." Natsu explained. "However I couldn't stop falling in love with you. I been jealous of Juvia being so close to you." Gray looked into his eyes. He saw Natsu was dead serious about it. He too had a crush on Natsu, but always denied it. He pulled him closer and kissed him.

"Noo!" Juvia yelled. "Gray-Sama will be mine! Water Slicer."

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu shouted still holding Gray.

"You didn't seem to know that if you try to take a dragon's mate, you can be punished by death."

"You'll be the one dying." Juvia glares.

"Boil." Natsu said before taking Gray away.

"Ahhh!" Juvia yelled in pain.

"Natsu I know she's a bitch but you don't have to kill her." Gray whispered into his ear.

"Fine." Natsu growled. He stopped the attack and left with his Gray.

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