Chap.1 competition

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Swimming is normal for me. Im relaxed,Im comfortable, and i know my surroundings. its my home.

-Michael phelps

Alex's POV

"that was great honey!" my mom said as we were heading home from my swim competition . "thanks mom" I said griping the Trophy I had won for my team. I was sooooo proud of my self ! I had won for are team! but I new there was still some really hard meets coming up . coach had warned me about that....

....earlier talk with coach.....

"Alex! way to get out there and kick some butt!" my coach yelled as I ran over to him with the trophy . "thanks coach!" I said as he hugged me .

"now Alex there will be much more meets that are way harder ."

"I know they can't beat me coach I'm undefeated ."

"that's true and I will always believe in you but I need you to keep training as hard as you can, I mean if you want a swimming Scholarship and to go to the Olympics then i will help you as much as I can but your life needs to be nonstop training ."

"coach theres no way any one can stop me from getting a scholarship and going to the Olympics it's my life "

"that's my girl , now go home and get some rest! training is at 4:00 pm tomorrow for you!"

....end of talk.....

when we got home i went strait to my room and laid down . ding .ding . ding . 3 text messages popped up on my phone. I picked it up groaning and then smiled.

VANESSA : hey I herd about the competition !!! great job see you tomorrow i know you are tired !

ME: thanks see ya

JACK: hey cc! congrats ! see ya tomorrow .

ME:thanks see ya :)

BRICE:hey! Jose ! I herd about the comp.... I just got back from winning one myself congrats see ya tomorrow !:)

ME: thanks congrats to yourself !!see ya .

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