Chap 9. team trip

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Hey guys! chapter 9 is up!:) hope you enjoy.

Alex's POV

"Okay guys onto the bus! move it, move it, move it!" yelled coach Stevens.

I hurried onto the bus with a big backpack over my shoulder moving in and out of my shouting team mates.

"Yo Alex! come sit by us!" yelled Peter from the back of the bus. he patted the seat next to him and I looked around. On the other side of the spot sat Caleb and then Stan on the other side of Peter.

I smiled, "sure," I said moving towards the back and setting my stuff down in front of me.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked. coach made his way onto the bus and yelled "we are going to the lake of the Ozarks!"

The hole team cheered including me until I realized something. "Wait! that's 18 hours away!" I said and everyone groaned.

"Way to kill the mood Wilson," said coach smirking. "yea it is guys and that's why I made you get here at 6:00 am," he said trying to calm everyone down.

"But still were gonna get there at midnight then," Caleb yelled from right next to me.

"Yea but you can all sleep on the way there," said coach "now I'm driving to Micdonals, what does everyone want?" he asked.

The hole team seemed to cheer up at that and everyone started spitting out their orders.

"Let's play would you rather!" said Peter excitedly. I stared at him. "really?" I asked. "yea, you got a problem with that?" he said sassily. "no, not with that, just with you." I replied and Stan laughed, "believe me, everyone does."

"You guys are fun killers," he said frowning. "fun killers?" I asked and Caleb laughed. "lets just give the man what he wants and play would you rather with him."

"Fine," I said "but you guys are messed up."

"That's what she said," said Peter, and Caleb muttered an oooohhhh.

I laughed, "okay Stan, would you rather eat a dogs butt or scratch a dogs mouth?" I asked smirking at my immature question.

"Uh.... eat a dogs butt," he said. "oh gross dude," I replied making a face.

"Okay Peter, would you rather live in a haunted house or a dark forest?" asked Stan.

"Uh, dark forest," Peter replied turning to Caleb. "Caleb, would you rather swim with snakes or crocodiles?"

"Snakes," Caleb said with no hesitation. "why snakes bro?" asked Peter. "because snakes won't kill me that fast," he pointed out.

"Plus there cool."

"I know!" I said "there like awesome!"

"It's like they just slither all around they don't have to walk anywhere at all!" he said moving around in his seat to face me. I smiled up at him.

"Alright, before you two lovebirds have an hour long conversation about snakes let's move on, Caleb it's your turn to ask Alex." said Stan.

Caleb blushed and moved on asking me if I would rather eat cake or ice cream. "Ice cream," I said. "Really? I'd rather eat cake," he said.

"We don't care if you like cake or ice cream just shut up already would ya!?" yelled Dillon who was sitting two rows in front of me.

"Woah, what's up with him?" asked Stan. "no clue, but I'm gonna find out," I said getting up and making my way over to him.

"Yo Wilson, duck," yelled a Random person so I did and spit balls came flying out of straws and over my head as they hit another person. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Dillon.

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