[4] Dear, future hero.

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One thing I've noticed about Captain Coby is that he's your perfect book navy enforcer. We've been conversing for only five minutes and I'm confident in my statement.

First of all, he's friendly, humble, and always smiling. He isn't afraid to approach in a casual manner to make his conversing partner that he's not superior in any way. I'm not as important as the people in my village ought to be and Captain Coby still puts respect on my name. He came as if he were a passerby willing to help when in reality I've been begging for help from the navy. 

Second of all, I've seen his capabilities with my own eyes. He bravely fought the pirates who've been ravaging our island for an impressive amount of time. I don't know if someone could move that fast. I could sense how strong-willed he was by the way he moves. I left wondering how he sees the world with those eyes.

"Rest assured," he said. It was the first time you heard him speak after witnessing his fight. Surprisingly, he sounds really reassuring. "We've taken care of everything. Good work for holding on for this long. Is there anything else you need, miss?"

I was taken aback by how relaxed he is. "Thank you so much. Um?"

"Why, yes, pardon me." He salutes, which surprised me again. "I'm Captain Coby from the Marine HQs. I've heard the villager called you chief."

"Just call me [y/n]. They just call me like that because they have no other to rely on. I'm just taking a temporary role."

Captain Coby's face was darkened for less than a second. He was fast to control back his emotion to smile reassuringly. "I think you make a wonderful chief, [y/n]-san. You've led them alone for so long. You're strong."

I rub my broken left arm. It's proof of how weak still I am when it comes to fighting. And sadly not everyone can fight anymore. Men and older who can fight had been kidnapped and killed long ago. Be it lucky or curse that I was away when it happened.

"I believe this makes you a hero, Captain Coby. Thank you for coming and saving my village. As you can see, we're- no, I almost at my limit."

His cheeks flushed pink a little, for a brief second. "No, no. I'm sorry I couldn't come here sooner. I've just appointed a captain. I'm doing my duty. I am no hero, not at all."

"If so then it makes me even sure. I know you will be a hero. I've seen plenty of navy officers and nothing is like you."

"It's a waste on me, chief [y/n]." Seems like he's bad at handling compliments. 

Behind his book's perfect appearance, he's a human too. Looking at this side of him somewhat makes me flutter. He's so approachable, within reach, yet makes you wonder how admirable he is. Of course, I wouldn't let him stay like that as he's the hero of our village. 

"If I say you will then you will." I try to lighten his mood. "Don't you have a dream too? I'm sure you are."

"I- I mean.., you're not wrong. Um, I'll do my best."

"Very well. That's what I would like to hear." I hum and nod. 

His face lightens up eventually. Even better that first time I see it if I say so myself. 

"By the way," I said again, "are you leaving now? We could have you and your unit to a feast at the very least."

"I'm happy to hear it but I have to decline. I would like to get them to the prison as soon as possible before anything else happen."

"Looks like I can't convince you in any other way. You're working so hard."

"Please don't," he chuckles. "..  Chief [y/n], you're going to stay here.., right?"

"I think so. As much I want to start traveling again, I can't leave just yet."

"Then, can I write letters to you? I mean, only if you want. I can help with anything if you asked!" 

I offer my hand to him for a handshake. "I would be happy. You can always come back here- I'll tell you if I want to leave the island."

He laughs again. "Would be terrible if I come here and you're not around."

It has been one week ago and his letter really came. He told me that the pirates responsible for wrecking my village has been thrown into Impel Down prison. In his letter, he had gathered the courage to tell me about his dream to become an admiral. I know he has it in him.

Coby doesn't write much- he told me to comfortably call him by his name since this is no official business. Though, unfairly, he still mentions me as a chief. He's so uptight, perhaps because I haven't given him any permission? He should know that we're of the same age though.

I smile with a pen in my hand. I'm ready to write a reply to his letter. 

Dear future hero,

I know you will be an admiral. Before it, you will become a hero. I'm frustrated knowing they hadn't called you a hero yet for saving my home. Should I come to Marine Headquarters to let them know? 

Also, please call me by my name. It's more comfortable that way. We're friends now. 

The village has improved by now. We're still recovering those who are sick but nothing to worry about. I'm trying to make connections to nearby islands next month, would you like to come? 

I would love to see you again.


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