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Fate. It has already written our life's story. Whatever has been decided by the stars for us will eventually fall in our arms. This fate has a fair share of sadness and happiness in it. It's meant to be our's but sometimes we fall in a deep pit of despair losing our faith in that destiny. Sometimes this plan for our life may seem cruel to us and we do everything in our power to be incredulous towards it.

But there are things that we can never change. Things that have been written permanently in our stories. Love is one of those things or should I say feelings. You don't find love, it finds you. Love is not your choice, it's your destiny. This beautiful feeling is never planned, it just happens. Your heart decides for it's own self. It is something unexpected and maybe this was why the true blood and the beautiful omega were standing face to face at the moment.

It was three days later that Jungkook found himself sitting in the parlour with Soobin in his lap. All the other family members were there too while Jayhyun and his wife Somi stood infront of them. Both looked nervous but had a spark in their eyes. A spark of a strange happiness and hope.

Beside them stood a beautiful boy and just by looking at him everyone could tell that he was an omega. He was looking at the enormous house with wonder if his eyes. He seemed innocent but what surprised them was his confidence. The boy had greeted everyone by looking right into their eyes. His posture did not hold any submission and he didn't lower down his head even once.

Everyone had been looking at the three with curiosity and confusion in their eyes. Everyone but the true blood. Jungkook was not interested to know who the new person was. He really didn't care. All he wanted to do was to go for his training session which was being disrupted by his not so welcomed guest.

"Hyung what do you want to tell us. Don't keep me waiting now." Jungkook said getting a little impatient. He had really lost his virtue of patience long back. Jayhyun smiled looking at him and nodded eagerly. He was excited to tell his family about the good news.

"You know that I can't conceive a child but that doesn't mean that I don't want one." Somi started. "All these years both of us have craved for a child. We love Soobin but we too want to hear the words 'Appa and Eomma' from someone. Someone who is our own flesh and blood. We went to various doctors but all of them said the same thing. Even if I do conceive I might not be able to survive. On top of that we both are alphas. You all know how difficult it is to bear a child from two alphas. We were losing our hope but then a doctor specialising in assisted reproductive technology suggested us a way."

Both the mates looked at each other and smiled. Jayhyun cleared his throat and continued. "According to his studies a male omega can efficiently conceive a child from two alphas. The risks are least and the success rate is the maximum. So we were trying to find a surrogate for ourselves but it was very difficult. Male omegas are rare and the ones we met were not ready to take the risk. We had almost lost all our hopes again but we have miraculously found one. We finally found a surrogate for our baby."

The two faces beamed with joy as they delivered this news to their loved ones. The entire family erupted in a series of cheers. They all were very happy for the couple. Everyone knew how desperate the mates were for a child. Now they would finally be able to see that blessing in their life.

"Hyung I'm so happy for you." Jungkook cheered out hugging his brother in delight. "Yay! I will get a younger sibling. I'M EXCITED." Soobin yelled making the others laugh at his antics. He was their beloved boy afterall. The beloved and spoiled one.

Once the congratulatory session was over Somi pulled the boy forward. "This is Kim Taehyung. He will be the surrogate." She introduced him to everyone. The said boy bowed down in respect and greetings. "We've already gone to the hospital. The doctor has done the IUT and now we have to wait for the confirmation of the pregnancy. Also he'll be staying here in the main pack house till the baby is born." Somi said with a twinkle in her face. She was over the moon today.

Taehyung smiled looking at the happy couple. He had simply agreed to be the surrogate because the couple had assured him to pay off his parent's debt. Yes! It was a deal. His desperation to help his parents had led him to the alpha again. He had rejected his offer once before but then he couldn't think about anything more quick and sure than being a surrogate for the alpha's baby. He had never thought that he would do something like this in his life but fate always has it's own plans. Doesn't it?

He didn't regret it though. The beaming faces of his clients were enough to give him a surety. A surety that he had made the right decision. He was happy that he could give someone something so precious. Something so craved for and maybe this endeavour would give him a new perspective of life. Just thinking this made his smile grow bigger. He looked ahead only to lock eyes with an alpha.

Jungkook on the other hand was observing the omega too. He saw how the other was thinking deeply and how his smile grew bigger suddenly. His breath hitched when their eyes locked. The omega was beautiful. Ethereal and unreal. Jungkook just couldn't look away but then something unexpected happened.

The boy winked at him. Jungkook's eyes widened and he quickly looked away. Cheeks red and form flustered. In that one moment the true blood realised that this boy would be a trouble.

A serious trouble.


Did you guys expect this? (curious)

Also be ready for a sassy and naughty Taehyung in this story.

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