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Opinion. A view or judgement formed about something or someone. This judgement might not necessarily be based on facts or knowledge. The human brain just forms it's own opinion about everything a person sees or hears. Rational or irrational. The brain doesn't care about it unless and until the matter involves the person itself.

These opinions are therefore sometimes very harsh and unreasonable. Most of the time these groundless views make our actions unjust. They make us hate on people without any solid reason. Jungkook's situation was no different. His illogical belief on some stupid rumours was guiding his judgement very poorly at the moment. This is just an act. He said to himself as he looked at the pretty boy with narrowed eyes.

"See I'm sorry for splashing water on you. I went too far. I shouldn't have done that." These words didn't sound genuine to the True Blood. Those shiny bambi eyes looking at him expectantly appeared like a good act to him and nothing more. He was skeptical about the entire situation.

"Yes! You should be." These words came out of his mouth as his expression remained stoic. His inner self was taunting him for being so rude and silly but his alpha pride overruled it all. "You should be sorry for even existing."

"I take my apology back." Taehyung said immediately hearing those words from the alpha. "You really deserved that and many more." He said with the most annoyed face he could make. He couldn't understand the reason for such a rude behaviour from a person who barely knew him but it was not the first time. Many people had been the same to him so he knew how to handle such jerks.

"You really are a hot head or should I say dumb head. Did you like hit your head somewhere? Or did your love leave you and you got traumatised after that? Because seriously speaking the reasoning part of your brain doesn't work at all. Why am I even talking to you? What am I doing here talking to someone so rude and dis......." Taehyung couldn't say more as he got interupted by a loud voice.

"STOP! Can you stop it already? Keep your extra thoughts to yourself and do not bore me out. You talk too much. Hasn't someone told you that?" Jungkook sighed trying his best to not let his rage out. He had not felt so overwhelmed by his emotions in a long time now. Like always his hunch was not wrong. This omega was a serious problem indeed.

"Well thank you so much for telling me that. Mr. Obvious." Saying this Taehyung flicked his hair sassily and walked away from there without another word. Jungkook on the other hand kept looking at his retreating back with an open mouth. He scoffed in disbelief once he could no longer see the omega and quickly went back to his room. Not in the slightest of mood to spoil his morning more than it already had.

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Taehyung felt relief flow through his veins as the cool forest air caressed him every now and then. The lake beside was another scene that gave him an immense feeling of calm. At present he was in the middle of the pack forest with Jimin and some other unknown people.

The empty area around the lake was a common hanging spot for the pack people. Also the numerous bushes of berries in that part of the forest were an added bonus. Taehyung and Jimin too had come to the spot to get themselves and the family some fresh berries. They were silently collecting the pome in jars when suddenly a ball collided with Taehyung's jar. All the contents scattered around as jolly giggles resonated through the air.

Frustrated Taehyung looked towards his right and saw Soobin standing there smirking at him. How could he forget that? This devil of a child and his friends had tagged along with them or more precisely with their uncle Jimin. Picking up the ball he threw it at the kids and whined out loudly. "This father son duo have something against me. They are so irritating."

"Why? What happened?" Jimin asked looking at him curiously. Sighing Taehyung told him everything that had happened between him and Jungkook early that morning. He finished narrating the entire incident and frowned when Jimin burst out in a fit of laughter.

"I understand about Soobin but you two? Are you both elementary school kids? Who even fights over such trivial things? Oh my god you guys are unbelievable." Jimin said once he had controlled himself. "It's not me but that stupid true blood. He is so arrogant. Couldn't even take an apology properly. You know what Jimin I am never going to interact with these two now. Both of them are just raising my blood pressure and nothing more. Stupid. Stupid alphas."

Jimin pursed his lips together preventing himself from laughing at his friend. He was really enjoying this new drama for absolutely no reason at all. "Yes! You are absolutely right. Don't meet them or talk to them. This way your blood pressure won't rise." He said looking at Taehyung with amused eyes.

"Yah! Jiminah don't be sarcastic." Taehyung said frowning. "I am no....." But Jimin couldn't complete his words as Taehyung suddenly shushed him. "Can you hear that?" He asked and Jimin sat up straight in concern. Concentrating a little they both heard some commotion from the other side.

Within seconds they were on their feet as they ran towards the people who were standing at some distance from them looking as surprised as they were. "What is this sudden noise?" Taehyung asked with confusion etched all over his countenance. "We don't know? Someone is coming here I think." A women who was supposedly a beta said with anxious eyes.

Their questions were short lived though. Sudden panting and huffing caught their attention immediately as they saw a young beta running towards them in full force. His eyes were wide with fear and he looked disheaveled. He quickly halted infront of the small group and the words he said next sucked the soul out of everyone present there.

"Rogues are coming this way."


Are there specific scenes you want to see in this story? You can tell me and I might incorporate them in here. :-)

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