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Everything was quick like a lightning bolt

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Everything was quick like a lightning bolt. The thumping of the feet and the evil laughter of the unknown man filled up the entire room in no time. That sight was their worst nightmare and Taehyung found himself getting teary eyed at the situation. He had just married the love of his life the previous day for god's sake. Couldn't they let him be? These thoughts swirled in his head. His breathing getting strained with the anger and distress he felt.

"Surprise! Surprise! Dear family. I was really not kidding when I said that you all will regret your actions one day." That known voice echoed into the big parlour making the omega look away in disgust. He couldn't believe that Eun-hi would stoop down so low just for her obsessions. He never thought that the woman would be okay with killing people just for her own satisfaction.

"We already have the southern borders under our control. Now it's time for the pack house since it was the nearest. My Jungkook will also be held captive in that forest and then brought here to witness some really beautiful scenes. I've planned everything very nicely with my friend Daniel here. Don't you all like it?" Her words made Taehyung even more angry than before. He scoffed looking at her in the eyes.

"YOU DISGUST ME." He shouted taking her off guard. "You claim to love Jungkook and Soobin. Is this your definition of love? You're okay with them getting injured as long as they end up with you. Wow! That's really great. It really suits the likes of you." The mocking in his voice made Eun-hi clench her fists. "How dare you make fun of me." She said. Her voice low and scary.

"What? You think that I'll get scared if you lower down your voice." Taehyung laughed. "Grow up Eun-hi. We all know that you are nothing without this bastard's support. You don't scare me. Rather I feel bad for you. Such a poor and pitiful person you are." His words had turned into growls now surprising everyone around. It was obvious that none of them expected an omega to be so confident and dominant during such a scary situation.

"You have a death wish. Don't you?" Eun-hi said glaring at him. "See these alphas around you Taehyung. They will rip you open in no time. No one knows about the attack till now. We have entered secretly so taking down those unaware soldiers of yours would be a piece of cake. Our men are already on their way to take over the other borders as well. You should keep that in mind before opening your mouth again filthy omega."

"You really think that?" The omega retorted. "Is your plan really that foolproof?" His question had Daniel laughing out loud. His hands applauding the male for his courage. "Such a sassy omega you are. Really my type. You are turning me on now beautiful." The alpha said stepping forward. His lips turned up in a sinister smirk as he eyed Taehyung with lust.

The omega shuddered under that gaze. His hands fisting themselves tighter in the process. He gulped feeling small but still kept his calm. They don't know that we're aware of the attack. I hope that guard reached them on time. The forest is not too far away from here so Kookie might be on his way. I just have to stall them a little more. He thought to himself and then took a deep breath before looking right into those crazy orbs.

"Alphas like you can never impress me. You cannot even dream of becoming like my husband. So don't even think about touching me. Also you don't have to worry about the problem I've caused you. Jungkook is on the way here so he'll turn you off permanently. I hope you won't mind it." Taehyung said smiling at the other sarcastically.

Daniel laughed hearing him. His demeanour scaring the others in the parlour. "SHUT UP!" He shouted all of a sudden pushing the nearest vase to the ground. "You are really crossing your limits now omega. I had seen you in your parents diner for the first time and your confidence had attracted me then but today it's pissing me off. Your husband is not coming to protect you so keep that pretty mouth of yours shut or else I'll take you right here infront of all these people. Even your kid is going to witness how I ruin his............."

"HOW DARE YOU!" It was Jaehwan's voice that cut him off in between. "How dare you threaten him. That too with that cowardice of yours. You don't even have the courage to look at my sons. All you can do is threat a pregnant omega who for your information could have easily kicked you in the shins if not for his condition."

"Dear father in law it would be better if you don't interfere in our precious conversation. Me and Daniel are talking to Taehyung. So please let us or else I'll make sure that you'll be the first one to pay a visit to moon goddess." Eun-hi retorted while casually taking a seat on the couch. Her hands gesturing for their men to take everyone captive.

"You see that omega. Just one click and all of your family that was free a few seconds ago are on their knees now. Do you still want to be with them? I'm giving you a chance. Leave them and become my omega. I'll give you everything you wish for. Think about it." The shameless offer from the alpha made Taehyung scoff out loud. He glanced at the others and when his eyes fell on the crying kids he hugged Soobin closer.

"You can never give me the things I want. You'll never be able to satisfy me. It's better to die with a family like mine than to stay alive with a man like you." Each word the omega said was filled with anger. His eyes turning blue as his protective instincts started kicking in.

"Suit yourself then. You are not the only pretty omega around. I'll find thousands like you." Saying this Daniel started walking towards the male. Those brown eyes of his holding evil inside. His hand came up to grab onto Taehyung's hair but before he could do that a loud growl halted him in place.



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