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"Harder. Harder. I want to make it go higher. Yay!" The jolly cheers of the ten year old could be heard throughout the park. His body swinging back and forth with the swing he was on. "I'm loving it. Wow! It's so high." He exclaimed when the swing started elevating more than before as someone from behind pushed him with greater force.

The happy giggles did not stop as the swing went on and on. Soobin enjoying every second of the evening. "Wooho!" He hooted as he went forward but suddenly the swing shook dangerously making him fall on the ground with a loud thud. Everyone around looked horrified but what sucked out their breath was the next scene.

The big wooden seat of the swing broke off from the poles and fell right on top of the kid. His head coming in direct contact with the hard material. "SOOBIN!" A loud panicked wail pierced through the now silent ground as a figure dashed towards the unconscious boy.

"S...Soobin?" The person stuttered as he knelt down next to the kid. A gasp of horror leaving his mouth as he eyed the rapidly pooling puddle of blood on the grassy ground.

Taehyung took in greedy gasps of air. His heart going feral inside. His decision to use his ability had shown him a vision that he never wanted to see. Feeling sick he got up from the chair he was on and ran towards the bathroom. Kneeling down he emptied out his stomach's content in the toilet and got up with wobbly steps. After washing his mouth he made his way outside only to find the child sleeping on the bed. A sudden relief washed over him at the sight. His heartbeat slowly getting back to normal.

"How can I forget that he has been sleeping here for the past half an hour? I'm unbelievable. Right bun?" He muttered to himself. His hand gently caressing the soft skin of his stomach. Slowly he made his way towards the bed and sat down beside the sleeping figure. Stroking the kid's hair with love radiating from his eyes he whispered "You know it's difficult to not get attached to a baby that's growing inside you. The pain, morning sickness, dizziness and what not. Everything appears to be like dust infront of that beautiful heartbeat from inside. I'm an omega. A breed that develops motherly instincts too quickly and it was really tough to make myself understand that I'm just a surrogate. I'm never going to have this baby as mine. Especially at nights when I felt lonely and scared. Bun was the only one here but you know what gave me that strength. The strength to keep my mind sane. It's you. You are the reason my omega's motherly side is sane it now. I love you a lot baby and I promise to never let any harm come your way."

He gently kissed his forehead. Smiling when Soobin held onto his hand despite being deep in slumber. His heart felt at peace knowing that the kid was alright but not his mind. His subconscious was poking him from the inside. Making him think about the vision repeatedly.

I know what will happen so I can prevent it. I'm not letting him out of my sight. Yes! That's what I'm going to do. I'll definitely change this indefinite future of his. He said to himself and tried to reassure his mind. The omega was so into his own thoughts that he didn't notice the true blood who entered inside with a bunch of white flowers in hand.

"Bambi?" The ravenette called out softly as the stressed pheromones of the other entered into his nose. Hearing the gentle voice Taehyung quickly turned around and threw himself in the other's arms. "Hey! What's wrong? Are you in pain? Come let's go to Jin hyung." Jungkook muttered panicked at the sudden gesture. The flowers falling from his hands in the process. He had just returned from the pack grounds after having a heartfelt conversation with his hyung. While coming back he gathered a few flowers to surprise the other. He had been calm and happy that is until he entered inside the room. Now he felt stressed after sensing the omega's panicked state.

"Bambi? You're scaring me now." He gently stroked Taehyung's back. Expecting to calm him down and luckily he did succeed. "Kookie. I used my ability today." Came a faint voice which was enough to freeze the ravenette. He knew what Taehyung was talking about. The omega had told him everything about himself on the night they both confessed to each other.

Gulping down his nervousness he asked. "Past, present or the indefinite future?" Hearing the question Taehyung separated himself from him and answered. "Future. Soobin's indefinite future." His voice quivered with fear and a tear rolled down his eyes. He felt vulnerable and weak because he didn't know what he was suppose to do. Jungkook was the only person he trusted more than himself and thus he broke down in front of him. Trying to convey everything through his tears.

"It's okay. It's not definite. We can change whatever might happen. You don't have to worry Bambi. I'm here. We both are together and we'll protect him from any danger. Please don't stress yourself this much. You've not even recovered completely. So take it easy." Jungkook said taking the omega in his arms again. He kept on caressing the soft locks of the petite male. Letting him cry his stress out.

It was after what seemed like half an hour that Taehyung finally calmed down. "I've never been able to change this indefinite future Kookie. It always turned out to be true. This realisation alone is enough to scare me. I don't know how to protect him." His voice held so much fear of losing Soobin that Jungkook teared up himself.

"There was no one by your and your parent's side earlier but now you have me. Hyung, Noona and all others will also help you anytime Tae. You don't have to bear this fear alone. Share it with me. We'll do this together." Each word the true blood said was filled with sincerity and love. These few words were enough to blow away the clouds of doubt from the omega's mind.

And just like that all his fears dissipated into thin air.


You'll be able to figure out Tae's power now. If not then don't worry I'll explain it in the upcoming chapters.

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