Prologue (Part 1)

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????? XXXX BC
5 years after the Foundling Titan existed.

The war between the Eldia Empire and the Marley Empire raged on as corpses are pilling up. But this is not the story of Ymir Fritz. Oh oh no. This is the story of the first Titan, the God Titan.

God always created something or any beings in pairs. For example, happy and sad, calm and violence, anger and humor,and the obvious men and women. That also apply to Titan too. If there is exist a Titan, another type will exist. That type is the God Titan.

It's all began in one village which was hidden from plain sight with people living happily and the leader was brave and kind. The kids were chasing their friends, the women were chatting, the men went hunting. But there is one house, a labor house, a person, the chief's wife is finally giving birth after many miscarriage. The scream of a mother giving birth was heard, she was having a hard time.

After what felt hours, a baby was born. The baby's cry quickly soothed the exhausted mother's heart. Finally, after many attempt, at the age, middle 40s, they finally have a child. The father was out teaching the younglings about hunting. The nurse gave the baby to the mother in her arms, it was a boy. The mother smiled, finally they have a heir to lead the people toward peace. Multiple horse's stomping were heard, it was the chief, returning home.

The chief heard the news and he was in cloud nine. He rushed toward the labor house and when he entered, he saw his child, his son in his wife's hand. He walk near the baby and look at him. "He has the face of a warrior." he said patting his head. "He will become a great leader just like his father." the wife said to her husband. The husband shook his head "No, he'll be a better leader than me."

He then gaze to his wife "All I ever wanted for us is to live in peace. Not caring the outside world, the war or anything. As long as the village is protect, nothing will interfere our life." he said touching the wife's forehead with his. But nothing goes as planned in life. Out of blue, he heard multiple horse came followed with the screams of terror from his people.

He gritted his teeth." Wait here."he told his wife. He then picked his spear and shield. But as he got out, he was surrounded. The village were captured, some died in the process. He glanced at the crowd. Its from the Eldia Empire. A soldier charged at him. The chief simply dodged his attack and hold his neck then snapped it. The soldier fall to the ground limping.

He face the group, they were terrified. Good, that is what he need. But suddenly he heard his wife screamed. He turned around and saw his wife was hold by a soldier with a knife at her throat. He took a step. "ONE MORE STEP AND SHE IS DEAD!!!" the soldier shouted. He stopped. "SURRENDER NOW. YOUR WIFE AND YOUR SON WILL BE SPARE!!!" the soldier demand. He was fueled with rage.

He wanted to kill the soldier but with his wife's and son's life were on the line, he has no choice. He dropped his spear and shield then hold his hands up. He surrendered . One soldier then hit the chief's head which resulted him to blacked out. The wife screamed but she was dragged to one of the carriage.

They brought all of the villager including the chief to their cruel king, King Fritz.

Somewhere in the Eldia Empire's land

The chief wake up only to be greeted by the screams of horror. He opened his eyes and saw a villager been pushed to a pit then turned into a scream of horror. He looked at his surrounding, they weren't at a castle. He looked again and saw his wife holding a child in her hand. He tried to walked toward her but two guards was keeping him in bay.

"Sit down you lowly peasant!!!" one of the guard exclaimed and hit him. He lay down trying to ease the pain. He then saw three guards approached to his wife with questionable face. "Come here sweetheart, don't be afraid. We're only gonna comfort you." said one of the soldiers.

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