Prologue (Part 2)

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The Prime Titan. Imbued with the power beyond the human mind. Beyond space. Beyond time. The laws of physics doesn't apply to him not even the slightest. Well a little bit. The power to change history. Forever.

As he confronting her, there were tension between them. No side is making a move. Until King Fritz break the silence "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YMIR ?!?!?? KILL HIM!!!" he said. As the slave she were, she obey the tyranny king order amd charge toward the Prime Titan.

She sent a punch toward him but the Prime Titan simply caught it with little effort. The Foundling Titan was surprised. Maybe because there was no being is equal to her either strength or size. She sent another punch but again he just caught it.

He then pushes her left arm and punch her gut. The punch he just sent, it was the most painful she ever felt in her entire life. Not even her pain living as slave is nowhere near this pain. The Prime Titan continue punching her gut a few time then uses his knee and attack her chin.

It sent her flying in the air. She hit the ground pretty hard. Before she could regain her sense as she stand up, the God Titan tackle her to the ground. He then punch her face again, again and again. She shield his attack with the hardening ability but those doesn't help very much as it shattered after received one or two punch.

In her effort to counter, she sent thousands of spike from the ground which lifted him in the air. A normal titan would been penetrated and only using the hardening ability will stop it. To her surprised, it didnt penetrated his skin. In fact the spike did nothing to him as his skin were still the same. But what is even bizarre is that the Prime Titan didn't even tried to protect is body, the nape. It just stand there confusely.

He lifted himslef up and fall down. He then landed with his two feet. Ymir staggered as the ground shook. The Prime Titan stand up and look at her with vengeful eyes. Instinctively, she charged toward the titan and punch him. The Prime Titan did nothing and the attack hit him.

But he didn't even flinch despite the punch release a shockwave. He look at Ymir and smirk. Filled with anger, she punch him multiple times cause multiple shockwave and even a few tree were sent flying just from her punch shockwave. Again it does nothing. Not even a scratch was seen.

As Ymir stopped her attack, she tried to regain her energy when she saw a smirk coming from him. Without warning, he sent a punch but this time it's a lot more powerful than before. As it landed on Ymir face, just one punch and she was sent flying backward. Farther than before.

Infact the it causes a very huge shockwave that anything in 10 miles radius was sent flying. From just a PUNCH!!! Ymir then came to a halt when a mountain stopped her from flying. Her face was damaged. Never in her life, she was overpowered by unimaginable power. She felt the same feeling when she was hunted like an animal.

She lifted her up to see that the Prime Titan landed bot far from her. The Prime Titan lifted himself and slowly walked toward her as her face and body slowly began to heal. She wanted to run away but with King Fritz holding a leash on her, she has no chance to escape.

Then out of nowhere, something toss toward him and exploded causing him to stagger backward. She look around and saw an army with multiple trebuchet. "PROTECT THE QUEEN!!!!" the commander ordered his men.

Thousands of boulders filled with gunpowder shot from the trebuchet. It landed at the Prime Titan and its explode. Multiple hit him and he screams in agony. As they stopped to refuel, the smoke dissipate and shows the Prime Titan with his face being torn apart.

"MOVE FASTER, IF WE KEEP DOING THIS WE WILL WIN!!!!" the commander hasted his men. But not even a minutes has past and the the God Titan's face healed in a split second. They were shocked. "READY THE GUNPOWDER!!!!" the commander ordered. His men then prepared three set of boulder filled with gunpowder. The commander then raises his hand "FIRE!!!!!" he commanded.

Thousand of bouldrr were shot toward him. The Prime Titan took the hit like a champ. As he walked toward them, suddenly multiple hardened pillar were burst from the ground, trapping him instantly. He couldn't break it as multiple boulder hit him and explode.

They continued to fire until they run out of ammo. As the smoke dissipate and the pillar were removed, the Prime Titan is in worse shape. One of his arm and leg were completely cut off and the others were torn appart. His face was torn again and his mouth hanging due to his cheek being destroyed. He couldn't stand up and fall one knee.

Kimg Fritz came out from the crowded soldiers. He look at the battered Titan. He chuckled "No matter how strong you are, Eldian will be stronger than there opponent. It's a mistake to challenge us." he said arrogantly. He look at the Titan with a grin on his face.

But the Prime Titam wasn't finished yet, suddenly his bidy began to heal quickly. The Foundling Titan charged toward him and punch him. Unexpectedly, the Prime Titan's left hand which were cut off instantly grew a new hand and stops her attack.

The Eldians was shocked. Woth this much injuries, it should take at least 30 minutes to heal just a hand let alone a cut limbs. The Prime Titan stand up with all of his injures amd cut limb healed over like it was nothing. Ymir's face turn into horror as she witness a glimpse power of the Prime Titan.

He then punch Ymir. Ymir was able to block but were sent flying. He then glance at the army. King Fritz remained where he was. The Prime Titan then open his hand and a fizzle light showed at his hand which turn into thunder as he constructed a spear.

A fear was shown on the soldiers face. Firtz felt fear coming from his heart but stay emotionless. The Prime Titan pull his arm holding a spear and toss it. The commander then push King Fritz toward the river. As time felt slowed down, in an instant, they spear hit the ground and causes a huge explosion to anyone who was near. Fritz managed to fall inside the water before the spesr hit them.

The explosion was unimaginable that no gunpowder is enough to replicate it. Ymir watches as she thought her loved ones was killed which is not true as Fritz swim to land. She charged toward the Titan with anger fueled her. The Prime Titan then consturcted another weapon but this time its a hammer.

As Ymir is getting close, he swing the hammer. Ymir doesn't noticed or saw the attack until it hit her. She was sent flying with limbs cut off. She came to a halt as the momentum begin to fsde away. She came out from the nape with blood in her face.

She looks at the Prime Titan with rage. She was about to bite her hand when the Titan spoke to her "No. It's useless to fight me. Give up. " he said in a harsh-dark and masculin tone slowly. Ymir froze to the sudden voice. Fritz also froze in shocked.

The Titan continued "You will see another day but beware because I won't go easy on you again." he said. That surprised Ymir. All this time, he was just toying with her. The Prime Titan turn around. "Until we meet again." he said slowly. He then walked toward the sunset.

Ymir nad Fritz were shocked, baffled amd speechless. There was another being capable of rivaling the Foundling Titan. No one has shows her failure until now. The backup arrive but itwas too late. The fight was over.

1 days later

We see that the Avatar shifter (Name of the God Titan shifter) walked from a smoke but no titan body was seen. He then walked toward a port. A ship was about to leave. He walked toward a ship when a guard stop him. "Do you have any entry ticket?" he asked. The Avatar looked at him and check his pocket. He doesn't have anything.

He pretend to pull something out. As the guard open his hand expecting a ticket, The Avatar shifter put his hand on his. In split moment, he created three pieces of medium size diamond. When the guard saw it, he closes his hand "You can come in" he said.

The Avatar nod and went in. Inside were full of rich people chatting and eating expense food. He seat at a corner to avoid suspicion. A waitress walk to him. "Do you wish anything sir?" she asked. The Avatar shook. She ask again "May I know what is your name?". The Avatar wnet silence for a moment before speak to her "Adam. My name is Adam." he said.

The waitress bow to him and leave him. This is the beginning journey of the God Titan.

To be continued.

A/N: the prologue is done. The first chapter is in progress. I have waited for so long to publish this so hope you enjoy my story. Sorry for wrong lore and any grammatical error.

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