Chapter 3: Breach!!!

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Tyr's mom/stepmom POV

Moment before disaster

Dr. Yeager just finished test my blood.

Grisha: *sigh*

Me: What is it?

Grisha: The bacteria is getting stronger, even with the treatment that I have given to you. At this rate, you're not gonna live long. And your son will be left alone.

Me: Well is there something I can do to help my son?

Grisha: There's two option. He can either stay with us or go to the orphanage. But in long term, you will not be by his side any longer.

I look at the floor as tears begin to fill my eyes.

H-How am I gonna tell Tyr about this?

I feel hopeless. Why would God let this happens. First my husband, now me. He's gonna be all alone.

Wait, he still have his friends, maybe one of the families would take him in.

I wipe my tears and look at Grisha.

Me: Thank you, for everything.

Grisha: I wish I could do more.

Me: You have done enough.

Grisha sighed then pack his thing.

Grisha: Well, I think that's it. I have a train to catch.

Me: Then what are you waiting for? Just go.

Grisha was about to go but stopped at the doorstep and look at me.

Grisha: Goodbye, Isane.

Isane: Goodbye, Grisha.

Grisha turn around and exited my house.

A few moment later, silence befell this house when suddenly


Adam POV

Moment before disaster (yes this also happen at the same)

At the bottom, near Wall Maria

I was looking at a map, of possible places where people would be safe and have the least amount of casualties. And also places that were the nearest when the wall bre-

Female commander : HEY NEWBIE!!!

Adam: Ack-

Female commander : What did I tell you about slacking during the job?

Adam: I-I wasn-


This b**ch is getting into my nerves. I'm surprised that no one even realise that I'm not apart of the Garrison Division, as someone told me about it. I'm inches away from blasting her to Pluto.

Adam: S-Sorry ma'am.



The ground beneath us shakes as the sound suddenly came out of nowhere.

Female commander: Wha-What was that?

No, it can't be.

We slowly looked at the wall and our reaction was mixed with confusion and shock.

Adam: Impossible.

Female commander: That wall is 50 meters height.

Then I heard something that I fear the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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