Chapter 1: 850 Years Later

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In Marley's land

At port,

As a big ship dock, a lot of people hop off the ship. One particular man however were a bit, messy. Bear were very long and hair seems never been combed before. The hair was brown-dark ish colour. The clothes is dirty and you could barely sees the man's eyes.

An old man approach him "HEY ADAM!!!!" shouted the old man. Adam wave at the old man "UNCLE JONAS!!!" shouted Adam. They hug each other. "How have you been, my boy?" asked Jonas. Adam pull himself. He chuckled "To be honest, dirty." he said. Jonas laugh "Try say that to a girl" Jonas said with a dirty smile.

Adam's cheek turn into pink-red ish. "UNCLE JONAS!!!" he shouted angrily. "Please we are in public." Adam pleaded. Jonas laugh again "You can't hook a girl if you can't take a little embarrassment." he said jokingly. Adam crossed his hand "At least I don't have bad pickup lines." he said sarcastically.

Jonas glare at Adam "At least I did hook up with a woman. " Jonas retorded. Adam give a deadpan face "Yeah after 200 woman you just met. Not even a quarter are willing to sleep with you." Adam retorded back.

Jonas was about to say something back when. "BABE!! COME HERE!!" a feminin voice shouted. Then out of blue, a hand pull Jonas left ear. Jonas grunt a bit. Adam looked at the doer and was surprised because it was woman, who looks to be 2 to 3 years younger.

"COM'ON!! MY SON IS COMING HOME FROM OVERSEAS. I THOUGHT WE AGREE YOU WOULD HELP ME MAKE A FEAST!!!!!" the woman scolded Jonas as she still pull his ears. The woman then notice Adam's presence. "Who are you? And what is your relationship with my lover?" asked the woman.

Adam introduce himself "Hi. My name is Adam. I stumbled Jonas when I was travelling the world." he said. He look at Jonas with one eyebrow raise "You didn't tell me that you have a girlfriend?" he asked in confusion. Jonas free himself from the woman grasps. She cross her arms.

"Yeah sorry about that. Adam, meet my fiance, Emilia." he introduced her. Adam reach out his hand for a handshake. Emilia follow along. "Nice to meet you, Emilia." Adam greeted her properly. "Nice to meet you too, Adam." Emilia retorded. She then take Jonas' hand. "Come on, my son will be here early in the morning." she said as she pulled him. "NICE TO MEET YOU, ADAAM!!" Jonas shouted as he was dragged against his will.

Adam just chuckle in disbelief. "Looks like he found his soulmate." he thought to himself. He then walked toward the city. The city is calm yet bustling as car horn to haste their trip. Adam wave a few people as he was recognized as a friend. He continued walking when suddenly he saw two kids with weird badge on their right shoulder bumps a man

"HEY!!" the man scolded. "Watch where you going!!" the man said sternly. "S-sorry." the kids apologised but the man was still fumed. "You lowly Eldian have no to right to live. You should be appreciated that we gave you a second chance." he insult them.

The kids hold their tear to not embarrass them more. Adam shook his head. He then walk toward the man "Felix, what's the matter?" he asked. Felix turned around. "Oh Adam you arrived." he greeted him politely.

He turned around with eyes full of hatred toward the Eldian kids. "This kids was roaming around with no supervision. What will happen if this keep going until they reach adult. History will repeat itself." he said menacingly.

Adam mentally sighed. He knew better. He hated King Fritz for what he did but the Eldian shouldn't be punished just for the old man's sin. He tapped Felix's shoulder. " Say, wasn't today is your wife's birthday?" Adam asked." "Huh, what do you me-" Felix stopped his sentence before he gasped in realization. "F**k I forgot. Thanks Adam. Really save my ass." Felix thanked Adam.

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