Chapter 2: Death At Your Wall?

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The past few years was pretty good for the Avatar shifter, no conflict happened during their stay. And his friend, Jonas, now married with his now love of his life, Emilia. Things were going great, but something terrible happened to them.

While they were sleeping, a fire suddenly erupted from their basement. The fire consumed the house so fast that the couple didn't even realize the fire let alone escape from it. Their were only two people in the house, it's them.

Their children were living in a different place so nothing happened to them. Right now, Adam is in a church, sitting at the very back whilst listening the orphans singing 'Hallelujah'.

His Avatar friends couldn't come as they have other business to attend to which he didn't mind. He is now sitting alone at the back listening to the song.

As he sit there, a hood man approached him and sit next to him. "He was a great man wasn't he?" the mysterious man asked in a hoarse and dark yet calm voice. "He was, and one I could call a brother." he said. "Then what about the others?" the man asked. Adam was confused "What do you mean?" he askes back. "You know who I meant." the man explained.

Adam widen his eyes a bit and closes his eyes then sighed in frustration. "Cut the chase, Astra." he said turning his head toward him. The man chuckled and lift his hood, showing his face.

 The man chuckled and lift his hood, showing his face

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"You recognize me quicker than before. I'm impressed, slightly." he said. Astra look up in the air. "Isn't today is a beautiful day, to die?" he asked rhetorically. Adam felt his blood pressure boils "You did this?" he asked. Astra chuckled a bit "Why were you surprised? You should know by now that it was me." he retorded. Adam sighed heavily "Of course it was you. Everywhere you go, there will be death." he said. "It's not my fault I was born that way." Astra said.

Adam sighs in defeats "Just go, I'm not in the mood to play your psychology games." he said facing away from Astra's face. Astra chuckled again then face toward the same direction where Adam was facing which is the coffin of his former friend. "So you don't mind when the wall fall? " Astra asked. Adam widen his eyes in surprised. "They already left?" he asked back and turning his head toward him. Astra look at Adam with eyebrow raise. "I thought you're not in the mood to talk to me?"Astra asked back rhetorically which boil Adam's blood pressure. Adam quickly get up from his seat, leaving the funeral early.

Before he exited the church, Astra say something. "Better be early Adam. Don't want to miss all the fun, do you?" he said before disappeared into thin air. Adam shook his head and head to a valley. He turned his head left right to make sure no one saw them and after he confirmed it, he open a portal which led to a certain place, far away from the Marley's Land.

Paradise, Inside Wall Maria

Adam exited the portal and instantly change his clothes to a Garrison's uniform which he look good wearing it.

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