Chapter 1

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It's so dark...

The pitch black surrounding me...

My body is illuminated by a thin layer of light...

What happened exactly? How long have I been here?

Aah... That's right. I'm dead.

But when?

I don't remember...

I think I lost track of time...

How did I die?

Oh... I remember now.

I died fighting the leader of the Akatsuki, Pein, who was trying to destroy Konoha.

I ignored mom and dad who were calling  me back and rushed out of my hiding room.

Pervy-sage and Tsunade baa-chan were fending off trying to buy me some time to hide.

Aah...Why were they doing that again?

That's right.

Pein was there in the first place looking for me. I am the jinjuriki of the nine tailed fox, Kurama.

I couldn't just leave them there when it's clearly my fault.

My body moved on its own before I could think...

Sasuke and Sakura were yelling at me to stop.

So were Pervy sage and baa-chan.

Kakashi sensei, mom and dad rushed behind me.

Shikamaru's shadow paralysis jutsu followed me through the ground.

But I was faster than all of them.

How could I not, when Pein was rushing towards baa-chan and pervy-sage with chakra rods, ready to stab them?

They are like grandparents to me and I wasn't gonna let them get hurt for my sake. They are such a lovely couple. Strange, considering the love between a gambler and a pervert, but they manage their relationship well more than anyone could.

I jumped in front of Pein and punched him to ground. I fought, I managed to defeat five out of six Peins.

But the last one caught me off guard. He stabbed me with many rods.

Kurama tried to close the injuries. But I already lost a tremendous amount of blood.

It was hard to breathe. My vision was blurry. But I still saw.

I saw...

Itachi's red and puffy eyes, indicating that he was crying. His sharingan spinning violently in to the mangekyo sharingon, charging at the last Pein yelling, "You'll die for what you've done to the hokage's son."

I saw...

Sasuke staring at me wide eyed while still holding Sakura who was hiding her face in Sasuke's chest, screaming my name.

I saw...

Pervy-sage and Orochimaru-sama kneeling beside the now fainted Tsunade baa-chan. Tsunade baa-chan looked like she was having a bad nightmare. Pervy-sage holiday her close to his chest, looking at me with fat tears rolling down. Orochimaru-sama, covering his mouth and wide eyes, shaking while looking at me.

I saw...

Mom thrashing around while my dad trying to hold her still. I know she's normally a violent person but she then looked like she lost her mind. Dad's eyes were filled with pain and guilt. I hope he wouldn't blame himself later.

Then last... I felt someone slowly and gently lifting my head and placing on their lap.

I couldn't keep my eyes open... but I will looked up to see... Kakashi sensei.

He looked like he lost a part of his body. His eyes carried so much guilt and pain, almost similar to dad.

It was getting painful to breathe. I felt my consciousness slowly slipping away.

"Ka-kashi se-nse-i" I called out. I wasn't sure if my voice came out. But he immediately looked at me.

I decided to continue...

"I-I d-on't know i-if you ca-can hear me...I ju-just...w-wanted to say I a-am s-sorry.."

I wheezed out.

I felt my eyelids getting heavy forcing me to shut them.

I heard people...many people calling my name... but they felt like drowning.

My senses slowly started to shut down. My hearing completely ceased. I felt my mouth dry. All the metallic smell of blood vanished. And lastly, I couldn't feel Kakashi sensei's lap anymore.

I felt a sharp pain shooting through my chest for three seconds.

Then everything went black...

Dead silence...

It's weird trying to convince myself that I'm dead.

I wonder what Kurama is doing. Since I died before the extraction, it's safe to assume that Kurama had died with me.

If I were alive, Kurama would swap his tail at my head scolding me for being reckless.

Just like Tsunade baa-chan and pervy-sage.

Dad would... probably give me a silent treatment. Itachi-san and Orochimaru-sama would join him.

Mom would chase me around with her spatula, her hair floating in 9 different directions.

Sakura would punch me and scream at me.

Sasuke would sigh and tell me how big of an idiot I am.

Kakashi sensei... well... he'll be Kakashi sensei.

I wonder if team 7 goes on missions.

How long has it been now... Sasuke would have already surpassed me.

Wait... What am I saying?

I am dead...

It doesn't matter...

I don't have to worry about anything or anyone anymore...

I can finally be at peace...

I can stop being strongest in village cause I don't have to protect anymore...

I can finally rest...

It's so dark...

Not that I'm complaining...

It's so peaceful...

The coolness...

The gentle floating sensation...

The tug...

Wait... What!? The tug!?

It can't be...

Must be my imagination...


No... definitely not an imagination...

Who the hell is pulling me so hard!?

What the hell is going on!!!???

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