4|I'm Lonely

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Junkyu continued to call Jihoon. He would call him through the apartment phone and then to Jihoon's own phone. But Jihoon never answered.

He left some voicemails that Jihoon was curious enough to hear.

"Jihoon, if you would only let me explain. What I did was wrong. I know that now. And it will never happen again. But since Mashiho left, I have been in this well of loneliness, this black hole. Maybe it drove me a little mad. We were meant for love, Jihoon, not this terrible isolation. Please, I really do like you. And if you don't call me, I don't know what I will do."

Jihoon heard it. He could hear how desperate Junkyu sounded. He wanted to believe him, but he just couldn't. He doesn't want to trust him anymore.

He doesn't want to have his heart broken anymore.


A knock came through the apartment door. Hyunsuk was the one who answered it.

Outside was a delivery man holding a bouquet of red roses and daisies. It was arranged beautifully.

"Hello? May I help you?" Hyunsuk greeted.

"These are for Park Jihoon?" the man said.

Jihoon heard and came out of his room. He saw the flowers and realized they were his favorites. He looked at them with untrusting eyes. There was a note on it. He read it.

I'm so sorry Hoonie. Love, Junkyu.

Jihoon looked at Hyunsuk and down at the floor.

"I can't accept those." Jihoon said.

"But they're your favorite." Hyunsuk whispered, unaware of who they were from.

"I'm sorry." he said to the delivery guy, then gently shut the door.


Jihoon is currently attending classes right now. He was seated by a window. In front of him was Junghwan, behind him was Doyoung, and beside him was Yedam. He paid attention to the discussion, but his mind soon started to wander off. He looked at the window and saw Junkyu standing outside, looking straight at him.

Jihoon got up from his seat, backing away. His sudden movement disrupted the class, and they all turned to look at him.

"Jihoon? What's wrong?" the teacher asked him.

Jihoon took his eyes off the window for a moment to face the class.

"I'm so sorry. I...I..." he looked at the window again to see if he was just imagining things and just becoming paranoid. But no, Junkyu was still there.

He had a blank look on his face and just continued looking at Jihoon. He barely moved, barely even blinked. He was standing there like a statue.

Jihoon just sat back and tried to hide himself. His friends noticed something was wrong, so they asked him.

"Jihoon, what is it? Is something wrong?" Junghwan asked him.

"Is he still there?" Jihoon whispered, crouching on his desk.

Who?" Doyoung asked, confused, and started looking around the room.

"There's a boy outside. Staring right at me." Jihoon explained.

Yedam noticed Junkyu.

"I think I see him. He's the one with a beanie on his head?" he asked.

"He's still there?" Jihoon panicked.

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