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Him. you've always known deep down that you only wanted Matt. all the other boys that wanted you didn't matter because you only wanted that one boy you've known since you were 7 years old. you've always been friends with the Triplets along with Madi and Alahna of course. you guys are that perfect friend group you guys always got along, always joke around, always laugh and are just super comfortable with each other since you guys have all been friends for 9 years they never failed to make you laugh when you were mad or down. You were all 16 now and even now after all the time you wanted only Matt, that's how you've felt for the past 9 years and nobody knew but you . you wanted to tell someone but you were scared to since you didn't know if Matt felt the same way or not.

1st person ( y/n pov )
I'm just laying down in my room watching TV as one does on a friday after school. we only had a few more months until summer break but i couldn't wait for it. I was watching Outer Banks since the triplets told me I should watch it. i love it it's such a good show. i was in the middle of a episode when i felt my phone go off i saw i had a text message from Matt

matty b 🤍
wanna come over and watch movies with me?

                                                                        y/n 💕
                                                 yea ofc, what about nick and chris tho? aren't they home too?

matty b 🤍
no they are out with Madi and Alahna and my parents are about to leave for the weekend so it will just be us two if that's fine?

                                                   y/n 💕

         yea that's fine i was jw, when  do you want me to come over or can you come pick me up ?

matty b 🤍
i'll come pick you up and we can get McDonalds if you want to

                                                                    y/n 💕
                                  WAIT REALLY??! i've been craving McDonalds all damn day

matty b 🤍
😂 i figured, i'll be there in 10 so be ready

                                                                       y/n 💕
                                               aye aye captain 😂

i quickly got out of bed and brushed my hair, touched up my makeup put on some perfume and put on a pair of spandex and one of Matt's shirts that i stole awhile ago. by the time i was ready Matt was at the door waiting for me. we got into his car and i took the aux cord and started playing block my number by yung pleit (love that song with a passion) we were both just singing to the song and laughingly until i looked over at Matt, his eyes are so pretty i never realized that until now, i didn't realize i was staring at him until Matt said "y/n are you okay?" i just nodded my head and looked away out of embarrassment

we got to McDonald's and got our food then went into his room to watch movies and eat our food. we both went and sat on the bed and argued over what movie to turn on until we decided on Civil War. by decided i mean until i took the remote from him and refused to give it back to him. we were watching the movie until he took the remote and paused the move then turned to look at me
" y/n is that my shirt by chance?"
" this one? pfttttt nooo of course not"
" it is isn't it?"
"okay maybe it is, do you want it back?"
" no i hardly wore it anyways and it looks better on you than me"
after he said that he just turned back to the TV and unpaused it like nothing happened, i noticed i was blushing so i turned away and just ate my food, did he feel the same way i do?

first chapter!! how do y'all feel about it? i really like it and tell me if you guys think this will make a good story or not

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