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matt's pov

Her. it's always been her. it's been her since we were seven years old i didn't realize it then, i realized it when i was 13 and we were just playing games with my brothers and her laugh just made me realize how much i wanted her and only her. it didn't matter that other girls wanted me or who they were i only want her. i'm to scared to tell anyone especially yn, i'm scared she doesn't fell the same i won't even tell my brothers that i like her so there's only one person who knows.....me.

i woke up and saw that she was still sleeping, god she's so pretty even when she's sleeping she looks peaceful too, i just laid there and looked at her for a couple of minutes then i got up and went to the bathroom, when i got up i saw that she was awake "look who woke up last this time" "oh shut up bernard" i laughed then asked her if she wanted McDonalds she said yea so her, Nick, Chris and i went out to the car y/n and Chris argued who got to sit up front so i yelled at Chris to sit in the back or he wasn't going with us, we left and when i tried to order the food Nick and Chris pulled out megaphones out of fucking thin air and started repeating everything i was saying, that's the last time i will ever order for them

we went back home and ate our food and watched more of Outer Banks until y/n got a text from her dad saying that she needed to come home her face instantly fell because she doesn't have a good relationship with her parents at all that's why she's usually always with us but she always feels bad for leaving her siblings, i drove her home and when we got there i turned to her "call me if things start to get bad okay" "okay thank you Matt" "of course anything for you y/n love you" "love you too lover boy" she went inside of her house and waved at me through her window.

if only she know i loved her as a friend and more

a/n new povvv figured i let you guys see how Matt fell, ik it might not seem like a lot to talk but i'm at 16 reads now and a just started this book a day or two ago so thank you for reading my book love y'all 💕 don't forget to eat and drink water 

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