Care to explain?

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I woke up and looked around and realized i was in Matt's room for the second morning in a row. I turned and saw that he was still asleep next to me with his head in my neck, i started playing with his hair until i fell asleep again. i woke up again and this time I'm pretty sure he was already awake since i was the only one in the bed. i turned and saw him come out of the bathroom that was in his room "look who woke up last this time" " oh shut up bernard" he laughed and asked me if i slept good and i said yea and asked him if he did, he said he slept okay then came and laid down next to me on the bed, i grabbed my phone to check it and saw a notification from Instagram that said nick posted 

@defnotnick posted

@defnotnick- @itzzyourfav_yn🌼 & @totallynotmatt care to explain?

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@defnotnick- @itzzyourfav_yn🌼 & @totallynotmatt care to explain?

@itzzyourfav_yn🌼 we literally just fell asleep nick 😭 it was three in the morning there's nothing to explain
—— @defnotnick that's what they all say

@totallynotmatt bro there is nothing to explain we fell asleep fuck off

@obviouslynotchris YN KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN
——@totallynotmatt honestly fuck off chris stop with that weird shit bro

we ended up going to McDonalds and this time we brought Nick and Chris with us but i still got the front seat which made Chris throw a fit
"i sit in the front every time"
"exactly you always sit up front and i'm already up here to stop fucking whining and get in the back with Nick"
Chris kept whining and refused to get in the back so matt yelled at him
he finally stopped and got in the back in a pissy mood but still "if you don't stop i'm gonna call you pissy chrissy"  he looked at Nick who had made the comment then at Matt and i who were dying of laughter, we were sitting on the drive thru about to order our food, turns out Nick and Chris have a stash of megaphones in the van so they were repeating everything Matt was saying it was fucking hilarious, i think it's going to be the last time Matt orders for them

once we got our food Chris was finally in a good mood and making jokes and annoying the shit out of Nick like usual

time skip

Mary Lou was making dinner and she asked the boys to help her, she made them all put a apron on and I managed to get a picture of Matt

@itzzyourfav_yn🌼 posted

@itzzyourfav_yn🌼 Gordon Ramsey who? we only know Chef Bernard in the sturniolo house 😂 tagged @totallynotmatt

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@itzzyourfav_yn🌼 Gordon Ramsey who? we only know Chef Bernard in the sturniolo house 😂 tagged @totallynotmatt

@totallynotmatt i'm so kool and swaggy 😎 i'm the best cook in town (a/n i meant to spell cool like that btw)
——@itzzyourfav_yn🌼 i don't agree with the best cook i think @obviouslynotchris and @defnotnick would agree
——@defnotnick Matt your literally just burned cookies
——@obviouslynotchris you can't forget how he put way to much sugar in the cookies too
—— @totallynotmatt fuck off all of you

user- the triplets need to get rid of her especially Matt she's only using them for clout, she's ugly and fat anyways
—— @itzzyourfav_yn🌼 again if you don't like me leave. no need to come here just to hate. don't come back and don't comment if you don't like me just because your jealous it's me and not you. 💕😂
—— @obviouslynotchris she's using us for clout? we've know her and been friends with her since we were 7 😂
—— @defnotnick totally not like we've know her since before we started YouTube or anything like that and don't call her ugly or fat she's not she's literally gorgeous and perfect the way she is
——@totallynotmatt if you comment rude things on here again or call her ugly again because you're a "fan" of me and my brothers then you're not a fan and you will be blocked by the three of us separately and on our group account on all platforms. don't call her ugly or fat again she is a amazing person and friend, funny, kind and beautiful and perfect how she is so if you come here to hate on her then leave

after seeing that comment about me i decided to put my phone down and ignore it since it put me down. Matt noticed what was going on and asked what was wrong, i didn't want to make him worry about me so i just told him nothing was wrong, he didn't fully believe me but went back to what he was doing, they finished dinner and gave out plates but i told them i wasn't hungry, Matt knew what was going on and pulled me into his room to talk to me
"what's wrong?"
" it's nothing Matt i already told you"
he made a face that looked like he didn't believe me but i ignored it and tried to walk out of the room but he wouldn't let me
"is it about that persons comment?" 
i looked down at the floor in embarrassment because that's exactly what this was about, he put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up to look at him
"don't listen to them yn they're just jealous you're perfect how you are who your beautiful don't listen to them ok?"
i nodded my head but felt a tear rum down my cheek, he noticed and wiped it away with his thumb and pulled me into a hug once he did i started crying even more, he rubbed my back and kept telling me that it was okay and that i shouldn't believe what they say and the only people i should believe are him, Nick, Chris, Madi, and Alahna and my family. he didn't let me go until i stopped crying "i love you you know that right yn?" " yea i love you to Matt" (a/n as a friend the whole friend group says it to each other)

we went back down to the kitchen where everyone else was and both got our food and ate dinner. after we ate me and the boys fell asleep in the living room after watching a bunch of episodes of Outer Banks, if only he knew i loved him as a friend and more.

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