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"And rise." Mrs. Dolloway commanded in her airy posh accent. Lifting her hands slowly for emphasize on her instructions. Her face, as always, was set in a blank yet strict expression. Her lips pressed together with a thin coating of her usual red lipstick, her blue eyes prodding at my every move. She was dressed in a white frilly blouse that tucked into the waist of her pencil skirt. As always, her golden and greying locks were pulled into a tight bun. She never really did change her appearance.

I sighed internally, rising from my seat and walking three steps forward. I made sure my head was high, my back straight and my eyes ahead. My face remained in a neutral expression, not bored, but emotionless.

"Good. Now, sit." She instructed, tapping her brown leather strap in her hands. It's a deadly little thing. It may not seem like it, but if you have ever got hit by one, you would how much it hurts. It's just a hard thin strap that is able to leave a murderous sting if used correctly. "I sad sit!" Mrs. Dolloway growled, bringing the thin leather up and whipping it down on my back.

I only flinched slightly, barely noticeable. I've gotten way better at handling her hits, since I've had them so often. It stings, of course, and they always leave pink and red welts but I've learned how to care and treat them to minimize the pain when I'm on my own.

I keep my eyes straight ahead as I walk backwards, taking small careful steps. I feel for the chair with the back of my calves, and when I find it, I seat myself. Never slouching, and head always up high. I clasp my hands together, resting them on my left knee gently.

Mrs. Dolloway circles me slowly, like a hawk stalking its prey right before it snaps at it. I gulp lowly; making sure it's not noticeable. I've learned to force myself not to squirm under her scrutinizing gaze. It's hard, but over the years, I've grown accustomed to it.

"Very good." She hummed in approval, her face never changing from her blank expression. "Again. Stand."

I closed my eyes briefly, "Mrs. Dolloway?" My voice was soft, a polite tone as always. I, of course, didn't look at her but I knew she was standing behind me.

"Yes?" She asked in irritation, obviously not liking me interrupting her lesson. As if I haven't learned this before. I've been practicing simply sitting for two hours already. I just keep repeating the same motions until Mrs. Dolloway is sure I've got it memorized.

"When is my recess today?" I question quietly, standing up from my seat and repeating the same process I've been doing over and over again. I seat myself once again when I found my chair behind me. Mrs. Dolloway paused behind me, probably checking my schedule on the clipboard she always carries around.

"After your dinner." She finally stated, walking around to the front of me. I could see her better now, but I didn't dare stare directly into her eyes. That's not proper manners, so I've been taught. I've learned over the years to just choose something blank directly in front of me and focus on it through my training.

"How long do I have for my break, ma'am?" I asked softly, losing my focus for just a second. That second seemed to be enough, because before I could stop myself, my foot had caught on to one of the legs of the chairs, causing me to fall.

"Stupid boy!" Mrs. Dolloway screeched, smacking the strap repeatedly across the side of my thigh. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to push myself to a kneeling position but it was quite hard when Mrs. Dolloway wouldn't stop whipping me.

The hits started to weaken after awhile, until they stopped completely and I was able to let out a breath. Mrs. Dolloway let out a large huff, composing herself and letting me finally open my eyes. "This is why you do not ask questions when I am teaching." She narrowed her eyes at me, matting down her hair delicately so no pieces were sticking out. "You get distracted. Do you see what happens?" She scowled, muttering another, "stupid boy" under her breath.

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