The new alien

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(The pictures up there is a unfinshed drawing of Velvette for those who can't make pictures in there mind your welcome)

Velvette's pov

I was sitting in my room midning my own business until someone run in
'Velvette! Get dressed and come outside! We have a visitor!'My eyes go wide
'A VISTOR?! Like an alien!?' I says falling on the floor and soon running out the door, i says runs outside and see my dad standing on a balcony near this old ship that was landing I run and stand next to him.

The small ships land as this man walks out, he seems to have been in this situation before and walks straight up to me and my father

'Hello' my father says as the man's eyes widen a little
'Hm.. you speak English' me and my father then look at each other in confusion, I then wright down that our language means 'English' to this strange aliens.
'Oh right yeah, sup' he says looking around 'where am I?' He ask looking over at us
'Your on-' I start but my father cuts me of
'Your on planet zerpheno in the Solar system Ozphoesne' he finishes nodding as he then whispers in my ear
'Don't talk to it, we don't know what it can do' I look over at him and nod a little
'Yes but.. it's obviously a him looking at his appearance and the way he talks and acts-'
'We don't know that Velvette, just follow along, okay?' I nod looking at the ground and the man look over to me
'What's wrong with you?' I hear him say I look up at him and shake my head 'that wasn't an answer' it says as it crosses its arms I go to open my mouth but close it looking away from it, my father then put his hand on my shoulder making me jump
'I have some questions for you..'
'Rick, Rick Sanchez' it says I wright it down
My father says 'when you can please answer my questions' he shrugs and he nod
'Does the girl need to be here to?' He questions 'oh, am I not a loud to ask questions what's the rules here on Zerpheno?'

After that we walk around the city as he answers questions I've gotten a lot of information about him,

His name is Rick Sanchez from plant 'earth' that I've heard lots about, his a male about 70 years old in earth years, crazy spiky blue hair, tall and slim with a grey tint in his skin

'And that's all, thank you Rick, as I hope you've listened to our rules you are now free to explore our beautiful planet' my father then finishes as rick nods
'Thank you Mr, I will and don't worry I'll be out your hair soon' he say with a smile for a spit second before returning to his neutral expression

Rick then turns to me after my dad walks away
'So want to know more about Earth?' He says with a smirk as I raise a brow
'That's very nice of you mr. Sanchez, but I already now quite a lot about your planet, as well as thousands of other' I say as he raises his brow
'We're thousands of light years away from earth how do you know about it?' He says crossing his arms
'We're thousands of light years away from earth mr. Sanchez how did you come here within a mater of hours'
'Why are you assuming I got here so quickly?' He says getting suspicious
'Because she speaks' I say shrugging my shoulders as I hear him curse under his breath
(Talking about his ship)

I then start to walk away back to my house before he stops me
'Have you ever been to space?' He ask as i shake my head
'No, I've only dreamt of it... why?'
'I could take you, I've been to thousands of planets, all as beautiful as the next' he says making eye contact with me 'there perfectly safe and I can bring you home if you want to, and I can show you around earth' that grabs my attention
'As in walk around and explore it?' He nods
'I mean you might get weird looks but it would be fun' he says with a smile I look at him with curious as I open my mouth

Rick Sanchez x VelvetteWhere stories live. Discover now