Meeting the smiths

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Rick told me all sort of story's about what he's done, his family and how much they've gone threw together threw this Journey he has a dirty mind

'Kinda odd how meaningful intercourse is for humans' I mumble as Rick eyes me a little
'Well fuck the rules I say' he says smirking a little as I shrug a little
'Well.. if I have intercourse without concert I will die, and before marriage me and the baby will die' I say with a straight face as Rick goes a little quite
'Oh..' is all he says as I start to laugh at how much that got him of guard
'Wait..' he starts as I turn to him ' so if you have sex.. you'll die??' He says looking a little confused
'Oh no! Not that exactly, if I have intercourse with someone I didn't agree with they would die, if they had intercourse with me and didn't agree I would die, if I have intercourse without getting married and get pregnant my father would have to kill the baby, mostly ending up with the family being shamed and the women killing herself soon after the baby would be killed or kill herself trying to save the baby' I say picking at my hands as Rick shakes his head
'That's fucked up..' he mumbles as I shrug
'Well all planets have good and bad things in them' he looked like he wanted to say something but closes his mouth in defeat before opening again
'What do you thing would happen with different species'
He asks not looking away from the road
'What do you mean?' I ask tilting my head
'Like.. with a human? What would happen then?' He asks
'Oh.. well... a human would still die if not agreed, if the Xephoreas was born on dirt-'
'It's earth'
'But they mean the.. okay. On earth then I don't think the death would happen..?' He nods as you start to see earth and stand up pointing at it 'look!! It so pretty!' He nods and chuckles and push down on your shoulder lightly
'Sit down please' I then nod realising how loud I must of been and sitting back down
'Sorry' I whisper under my breath as he says it's okay

Surprisingly after a few minutes possible 20 at tops we were in this little town with small homes and lovely green plants everywhere, we stop at this one house and land as I look over at Rick
'This is my home' he says 'I think first of I should introduce you to everone and then we can look around' he says looking over at the sun 'I didn't realise how late it was' he mumbles as I realise I won't be going home until the next day.

We get out of his ship as I say goodbye to her, this human women then walk over to girl with an annoy expression
'Dad! Where HAVE you been!? You've been gone all-' she cuts herself of when she sees me and I instantly get chills, what if she doesn't like me what if she starts shouting at me who even is she??? I look at Rick with worry as her expression softens

'Oh.. sorry I didn't know Rick had company.. who is this lovely girl?' She also walking over to me with her hand out I once again look at Rick with confusion and a bit of fear as he gives me a small smile
'She's just saying hi, is humans shake each other's hands to greet each other' I then nod shaking her hands
'I'm Beth, no surprise you don't know that' she says at first with a smile soon going to an angry glear at Rick as I gasp
'Oh! No he told me about you, Beth, you must be his daughter, no wonder you look so alike, your absolutely beautiful it's a pleasure to meet you' I say with a smile as she seems a little shocked
'Wow.. really?' She says looking at Rick 'has he been with you all this time?' I then looks a little confused
'No? He's only been with me fire a few hours.. he come to my planet a few hours ago' I say honestly as Rick didn't seem to like the conversation as Beth then changed her view to me
'I never go your name' she says finally talking her hand away as she smile
'Oh right yes it's Velvette' she nods
'That's a beautiful name, suits you perfectly' I smile warmly
'Thank you..' she nods with a smile
'We'll come meet the rest of the family' she says bringing me in the house as she takes me to the living room with Rick following

Beth walks in first
'We have company' she says as I stand in the doorway a little awkward and wave at them as I then turn my head to Rick a bit and whisper 'that's how you humans say hello right?' I ask as he nods
'Yeah your doing great' i says giving me a little smile as I return it

I then see a browned hair man with a green and brown top then looked at with me unease, a orange hair women on the sofa with her phone who didn't even look at me, and a brown hair boy with a yellow top who looked at with got a split second and then back to the tv, he then looks back at me with a bit of a open mouth and half with a disgusted look
'Rick..' the kid says 'who's this..' I then gasp reikiing who everone is
'Oh your must be ricks family..!' I says as Rick slips past me and sits in the sofa as they all nod a little confused the girl still not looking
'You must be morty right? Rick told me lots about you, it's a pleasure to meet you' I says with a smile as he chuckles a little
'Huh... your quite nice..' he mumble as he then smiles
'Ermm.. it's nice to meet you too?' He says rubbing the back of his neck, I then turn to the man
'Jerry? Am I right?' I ask as he nods with a
'It's very nice to meet you, you don't seem too bad' i says again with a smile as his smile disappears a little, soon after turning to the women
'And summer?' I say as all she says is
'Yeah what do you want?' She still hasn't look away
'Oh nothing just saying hello' Beth then seems a little annoyed and goes to take her phone before she looks up and puts it down
'Wait..' summer mumbles 'your a new voice, who are you?' She questions looking at me
'I'm Velvette, it's nice to meet you summer' i finshed with a smile as she smiles back
'Oh, hey erm.. so what are you doing here? One of ricks ex's or something?' Beth then wakes her around the head 'summer!' She whisper-yells' and summer says 'what?!' In response as I shake my head in pure confusion
'No I'm not.. I met him a few hours ago and said he'll show me a few planets' you say smiling
'What?' I hear Jerry say, I got to repeat myself but Beth stops me
'Come on Jerry what's gotten into you lately?' He whines
'Well I'm not the one disappearing for half a month and then showing back with some thing!' He yells
'...thing..?' I repeat as I see Rick furrow his brow as well as Beth
'Jerry!' Beth shouts
'Tell me in wrong' Jerry says with him hands up in an annoyed tone
'She's not a thing she's an Xephoas'
'That's what I said Xephase'
'No you said Xephoas I'm a Xephoea..' I mumble
'Yeah Xerohoas' he says being completely clueless I go to open my mouth but give up
'Close enough..'

Rick and Jerry then goes at it a little Beth shoves them outside as Beth goes over you to
'What have you two done it? Or are you two going to do it tonight..?' She ask taking me to the kitchen I then look her with confusion
'Do it?' I repeat as she nods getting a glass and putting wine in it
'Yeah you know.. sex?' She says as I widen my eyes going s little red
'What!? No! No no no! Not at all..!' She then sighs
'Oh you poor thing.. that all he's trying to get from you..' she mumbles and shakes her head as I think to myself as why she thinks that

Rick Sanchez x VelvetteWhere stories live. Discover now