Come with me?

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I open my mouth to respond
'Mr sanchez-'
'... Rick... that's a very nice offer'
'Yes I know it is'
'... but.. I must decline, my father needs me here, also your a supernatural creature, I don't mean to be rude, but I don't know if I can trust you' he definitely didn't seem to like my response as he crosses his arms
'No, no it's fine I understand, but... you would have gone where no Xophero-'
'Yeah whatever where no Xephero has gone before and you did say you wanted to go to space, it will only be a few hours, a day tops' he says with determination
'Mr Sanchez, like I said- I... I really cant, trust me- if- if I could I would but,, my father would never'
'May I ask how old you are?' I sigh
'3084' his eyes go wide but he nods
'Yeah okay well- come on your thousand of years old! Your going to let your dad rule over your entire life?' He says eyeing the way my dad walks of to as I smirk a little
'Yeah.. I guess but.. no, no your right'
'I am?' He says tilting his head
'I'll go with you' I say facing him with a serious face as he smiles a little
'Great! Go tell your dad' he says as I nod
'May you come with me? Or wait at the ship so I can find you after?' I say fiddling with my top/shirt as he nods
'See you in a min' he says walking off to the ship as I start to run to my house
'Father!' I shout running into the house slamming the door wide open he jumps and stares at me
'Yes? What is it Velvette?' He says looking worried
'Is it the human?! Is he attacking' I shake my head
'No! Not at all, he's actually wonderful! He... asked if I wanted to go with him.. threw space.. and see the galaxy' I mumble trying to make eye contact but failing as I play with my fingers,
He did not seem to like that ideas
'You can look around space with one touch of a button!' He says crossing his arms furrowing his eyes
'Yes... I know but.. I want to be there! I want to touch the floor smell the plants and air, eat the food see the creatures! I don't like being stuck in this planet and Rick is giving me an offer on seeing all this greatness.. and he said it would take a day tops' I say trying to look as confident as I could as he get it into his head I go to my room packing a bag of food and possible some spare cloths I walk past my dad
'W-wait, your not actually thinking of going are you?' He says looking worried
'Of course I am...' I say looking serious and it take him by suppress

I make him let go of my arm and walk out the house and go over to Rick as he was waiting for me just like he said as he was putting some stuff into a black bag
'What you doing?' I ask him as he just shrugs
'Nothing important come on get in from the other side' I nod going around the ship and getting in soon Rick getting in after
'You can put your bag in the back' he says as I do I then look around
'Did.. you make this?' I ask half curious half trying to make small talk
'Yeah' he answers

It was then quiet for a good 5 minutes before he continued 'do you like making things?' He asks giving me a side glance as he drives/flys I shrug my shoulders
'I'm not too sure.. my father was always the one to actually make everthing, I was just the one who drew all the blueprints' I mumble as I look out the window at awe about all the starts
'Wait do you had to draw all of it, get all the equipment and everthing? So actually you new how to make it just not how to build it?' He says rising a brow
'Y-yeah I guess?' I nod as he hum
'Wow..' he mumbles
'Hm?' I ask as he just shakes his head
'Oh nothing..' he saying snapping his eyes on the sky

'So where are we going?' I ask wanting to visit every planet I see as he shrugs 'oh! I definitely want to see earth' you say as he doesn't look too sure
'Really..? I mean.. it's really far and humans arnt the best..' he mumbles as I frown a little
'But I've heard great things about it, and I want to try the food!' I say with a big smile as he can't help but smirk a little 'well.. that is if I can eat it' I admit crossing my fingers As he shrugs
'I'm sure you will, I've had lots of weird and wonderful foods from all sorts of planets' he mentions as my eyes go wide
'Can you tell me a few story's? If your favourite planets? Where you've gone, what you've done or eaten or seen?' I say getting intrigued not noticing how close I was getting to him as I back away as he snickers to him self

'Yeah I guess I could' and for the few housr we were on the way to earth he told me about all these different places and planted and even his family

His daughter Beth, son in law Jerry, he didn't seem to kike him much, his grandkids summer it was older and his grandson morty, who's gone with him for quite a lot of adventures I was kinda excited to meet them all and very happy how well were getting along and all the jokes we've made so far

Rick Sanchez x VelvetteWhere stories live. Discover now