Beths theory

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'Hey dad' Beth says as he hums in response as he works on something 'you know how you got attacked and kinda feel I love with the alien when you were going to the three plants with summer' she says, he stops what he was doing a turn around in his chair to her with him arms crossed 'I didn't fall in love with her but go on..' she nods 'well you did so... does that mean you've kinda moved on and thinking about meeting and starting again soon?' Rick then looked insulted but her 'what? No! I'm Rick sanchez! I'm the rickieist Rick there is! I can't settle down! I'm at the top of my game!' He says getting defective 'whatever you say dad' she says shrugging as she leave him in the garage

Three months later

'Told you so' she mumbled to herself as she looks over to rick and valletel laughing about something she then shakes her head and walks into the kitchen

'What are you snickering about?' I ask as Beth jumps a little
'Oh nothing, and hey you know what I was saying before about my dad?' She says as I nod with a confused look 'I may have over reacted a little..' I tilt my head
'Why's that?' I says sitting on the counter she sighs with a smile joining me
'Welll that old man has been getting soft lately' she says smiling looking at me taking sip out of her wine
'Really? That's really good!' I say with a smile she laughs a little
'No, no hun! It's okay! I'm just glad he's FINALLY getting to like someone, more then there body' she says eyeing me
'And... what does that have to do with me..?' She sighs rolling her eyes
'He's interested in you!' she groans as my eyes go wide
'What?! No he's not! We only just met!' I reason as she rolls her eyes
'Yeah he gets drunk and high, sleeps with this alien and falls in love with her within seconds' i then shake my head as I start to feel a little weird

I got to say something then summer comes in
'Oh, m, G!!' She almost screams giving me and Beth an panic attack
'What!?' We both say
'Did something happened??' I question running over to her as she nods
'Erm yeah! Grandpa Rick was just telling me and morty about your poeple! We NEED to know more!!' She says dragging me into the living room as Beth laughs waving bye to me

I was then sat down in the middle on Rick and morty as summer sits on the other side of Rick on the armchair side of the sofa

'Go on' summer says to Rick as he sighs
'Like I said I don't know much' he then looks over at me I sigh a little with a smile
'Well, what did you tell them?' Summer then rolls her eyes never mind we'll just ask questions and you answer okay?' She asks half demanding half asking I nod not wanting them to get mad

Then for the next few hours I answer at here question getting to know the three of them more I then see morty yawn as well as summer rub her eyes
'Maybe you all should go to sleep?' I question as Rick nods summer walks up the starts as Rick goes to shake Morty up as I stop him and pick Morty up with a grunt as Rick offer to take him but I dicline and ask him to show me Mortys room as he does and I take Morty to bed whispering goodnight as I leave

'What's humans sleep pattern like?' I ask as he answers
'We have to sleep every night for about 8 hours or so' my eyes widen a bit
'Oh.. we can go two weeks without sleeping..' he nods
'When was the last time you slept?' He ask as I shrug i thing last night actually..' he nods as we walk into this little room I guess his room
'Well can you have extra sleep?' He ask as I nod
'I could, it doesn't effect us in anyway, just means less done' he nods taking his lab coat off kicking his shoes off sitting on the cold camping bed
'Well if you do get tried just push me over in the meantime you can look around the house, just.. don't touch anything in here, or the garage, please?' He mostly says but kinda politely as I nod, I turn of his light so he can sleep nicely, I leave the room as quietly as possible still leaving it slightly open so if an emergency I can get him or if I do get tired

I walk downstairs and tidy the house a little for Beth as she does seems stressed, I go into the garage a little after tidying and look around at everthing Rick has made

I remember during the fly he said he created stuff,I never new so much cool stuff, as I look at his room in awe I hear someone being hind me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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