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Wafer vanilla was in his room he chatting with mint choco on the phone "Haha anyways I'll call you tomorrow mint choco goodnight" wafer vanilla said "Night" mint choco hanged up the call wafer vanilla put his phone on his desk he walked over to white choco container he removed the lid letting white choco get out of the container and onto the desk

Wafer vanilla was just watching his pet snake slither around the desk "Why do miss my brother alot" wafer vanilla said "....Why the hell am I even talking to a snake" wafer vanilla leaned his head on desk bored out of his mind he looked up for a second then looked back down only to find white choco bitting on a little black cat plushie pure vanilla gave him Hey get that out of your mouth!" Wafer vanilla grabbed the cat pluahie away form white choco wafer looked at the plushie to find a tiny rip in it "Goddammit white choco I'm putting you back in your container" wafer vanilla grabbed white choco slowly putting him back in the container

"Hmm I wonder if I still have those" wafer vanilla was thinking he walked to his closet opening it he looked down to find a small white box he picked it up opening it to find a bunch of photos "There a still here" wafer vanilla said he sat down on the bed placing the box next to him he took the photos out to have a look at them

He looked through the old photos he took a .one time ago "Oh is that Mala sauce I should visit her it was fun hanging out with her" wafer vanilla said he looked through more of the photos he stopped to look at one photo that had purple yam "Why do I still have this photos I hate that purple potato" wafer vanilla frowned he paused to see photos he and pure vanilla took he couldn't help but smile he liked all the photos he took with pure vanilla

He continued to look through his smiled fathead when he saw photos of his parents "......I'm going to burn these I hate those two I'm glad there out of me and pure vanilla life" (also before you think no pure vanilla and wafer vanilla parents are not dead) the more he looked through "Why do I have so many of them god there better not be more...." wafer vanilla stopped his eyes widened only to find photos of all his siblings

He looked through them everyone was smiling and doing random things into them the final photo showed all of them together hugging each other wafer vanilla finally broke he grabbed a pillow buried his face in it feeling tears fall down his face

After wafer was done crying he grabbed all the photos of his parents he walked over to the library when he entered he walked to the fireplace he then throwd all the photos of his parents watching them burn in the fire "You don't mean anything to me anymore your dead to me" wafer vanilla said he walked out of the library leaving the photos to burn what he didn't know was that the final photo of all them hugging eachother was mixed with the other photos the photo slowly burned with the others..

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