Bloody Incident

309 4 19

*tw this chapter contains blood mention of abusive*

The moment wafer opened the door his eyes widened pure vanilla was on the floor his knees against his chest he had strawberry jam everywhere on him so many cuts, bruises, and scars all over him his hair was a complete mess and it looked like someone cutted some of his hair  he had tears running down his face "" pure vanilla couldn't barely talk wafer ran over to him "Nilla! What happened who did this to you?!"Wafer vanilla asked he took off his sweater wrapping it over him "" pure vanilla was crying more wafer vanilla picked him up caring him to his room when they got there wafer shut the door placing pure vanilla on his bed

Wafer vanilla ran to his closet he grabbed his medical equipment placing them on his desk he opened it he grabbed a towel he put water on it and stared to clean the strawberry jam off pure vanilla felt dizzy and sick everything hurts "It's ok please stay with me" wafer vanilla said he continued to clean the jam off of pure vanilla once wafer vanilla finished he grabbed his bandages and started to wrap the wounds "" pure vanilla asked in a weak voice "Yea I'm here" wafer vanilla replied "I can't..see" pure vanilla said "There bandages over your eyes that's why" wafer vanilla said

Pure vanilla felt tears falling down his eyes wafer wiped them away "P...p" pure vanilla tried to speak "Yes what is?" Wafer vanilla asked about to finish wrapping the bandages "Pills.." pure vanilla said wafer vanilla ran to pure vanilla's room coming back with his Pills "Here you go I also brought you water" wafer vanilla handed the Pills and water to pure vanilla he noticed pure vanilla wasn't taking them "Nilla is something wrong? you haven't taken your pills" wafer vanilla said "I can't move... my hands that much" pure vanilla said wafer got an idea

"Ok here's what were going to do you put the Pills in your mouth and I pour the water in your mouth" wafer vanilla said Pure vanilla shook his head he put the Pills in his mouth Wafer poured the water in his mouth pure vanilla swolled it all at once "Good job now where does it hurt the most?" Wafer vanilla asked "Everywhere..." pure vanilla said

Wafer vanilla felt so bad and guilty he was supposed to protect him "I'm sorry I didn't protect you" wafer vanilla said he walked over to pure vanilla "It's ok you always do your best its not your fault" pure vanilla said "....Please stay with me" wafer vanilla gripped pure vanilla's hand "Ok I will" pure vanilla said "I'll get you some new clothes I'll be right back-" the moment wafer said that pure vanilla had tears falling down his eyes "Hey what's wrong?!" Wafer vanilla asked "I don't want you to leave Please stay there still here... they'll hurt me" pure vanilla broke into a sob wafer vanilla felt bad

"Nilla I want to stay but your clothes are covered in jam I promise to come back ok" wafer vanilla said he let go of pure vanilla's hand walking off pure vanilla heard the door shut he was sitting their in complete silence he couldn't see and it was hard to breath because of the binder

Wafer vanilla finally returned with clothes placing them on the bed he removed the bandages from pure vanilla's eyes pure vanilla opened his eyes able to see a bit "Hey I got you the clothes" wafer vanilla said Pure vanilla noticed a bunch of blood on wafer's clothes "What's with the blood?" Pure vanilla asked "You got strawberry jam on my clothes that's why but I'm not mad" wafer vanilla said Pure vanilla grabbed the clothes looking at them "Can you walk ?"Wafer vanilla asked "I can't feel my legs" pure vanilla said "Ok I'll just leave to let you change ok" wafer vanilla said he left the room to let pure vanilla change

Wafer vanilla came back in pure vanilla had changed in the white kimono "How do you feel?" Wafer vanilla asked sitting on the other side of the bed "Still hurts but its getting better" pure vanilla said "Are you hungry?" Wafer vanilla asked "Yea I haven't eaten anything" pure vanilla replied "Ok I'll get you something what do you want?" wafer vanilla asked "Sweet please" pure vanilla said wafer vanilla picked up his scarf wrapping it around his neck

"Bye I'll be back ok" wafer vanilla said he grabbed a white cat plushie from the closet placing it on next to pure vanilla "That should keep you company bye" wafer vanilla was about to leave but pure vanilla stopped him "Can I please invite someone I know I look horrible but-" wafer cutted him off "No its ok" wafer vanilla said he handed pure vanilla his phone and left the room pure vanilla dialed dark cacao's number

Dark cacao picked up "Hello who is this?" Dark cacao asked "Hey love it's me" pure vanilla said tired "Nilla Hello why are you calling me?" Dark cacao asked "Are you busy right now cause I want you to come...actually no you must be very busy I'm sorry I wasted your-" he was cut off by dark cacao "No its ok I'll be there right now bye love" the phone hung up pure vanilla placed the phone down he grabbed the plushie he looked at it. It looked was mochi's mochi that name pure vanilla felt dizzy his vision became blurry and he soon passed out

Pure vanilla was starting to wake up he felt hand on his waist he turned over to see dark cacao laying down next to him "Morning sunflower" dark cacao said kissing pure vanilla's forehead "Ah dark cacao you came" pure vanilla said standing up "Yeah can I ask what's with all the bandages?" Dark cacao asked he pulled pure vanilla on his lap

Pure vanilla rested his head on dark cacao's shoulder "An...accident happened" pure vanilla said "What accident tell me what happened" dark cacao said he moved his hand towards pure vanilla's hair rubbing his head but pure vanilla flinched backing away"I'm sorry" dark cacao apologized "it's ok" pure vanilla said "But for real what happened if your comfortable talking about it" dark cacao said "My mother did this to me.." pure vanilla said

"Wait your mother?! So does that mean your parents are here?! Dark cacao asked "Yea there here" pure vanilla said he buried his face in dark cacao's chest "My mother wanted me to put on another dress I told her no and that I'm a boy not a girl she got mad very mad she hit with a vase she cutted my hair I begged her to stop but she continued... she grabbed my hair pulling it..." pure vanilla said tears fell down his face "That arrogant welp!" Dark cacao yelled gripping pure vanilla arms "D-Dark cacao...your hurting me" pure vanilla said dark cacao let go of his arms

"I'm so sorry nilla I don't mean it" dark cacao apologized again "It's ok" pure vanilla said dark cacao hugged pure vanilla the door was opened a bit wafer was spying on them when he heard his mother did this to pure vanilla he was furious he to pure vanilla's room strawberry jam was still there he looked at the ground he found a piece of glass from a broken fase he grabbed the piece heading to his mother

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