What it Means

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Mint choco couldn't play his violin he was too busy thinking about  what wafer vanilla just said "The moon looks beautiful tonight what does he mean?" Mint choco was thinking until someone called his name "Mint choco hey mint" it was sparkling voice "hey..are you ok you haven't played your violin like you usually do everytime you come to the bar" sparkling said worried "Yea did something happen?" Herb asked "Well..it's just...that I confessed my love to wafer and...and I gave him a week to decide and when he made his final decision he said to me the moon looks beautiful tonight I don't know what that mean" mint choco said looking down at the table

"You have a crush on *hic* Wafer are you cheating on cocoa" vampire said "Oh yea you and cocoa are dating did you tell her" Herb asked sipping tea "No I haven't told her yet I will at the right time" mint choco said "Try to put it in a nice way whatever you do don't break up with her on text" sparkling said "Ok so tell me what did wafer said to you again cause I think I heard that before" Herb said "He said the moon looks beautiful tonight" mint choco said "The moon looks...Oh my god!" Herb yelled out "What what is it?" Mint choco asked confused

"Mint choco it means I love you" Herb said (also I looked this up and it apparently does really mean I love in in Japanese) mint choco face turned red like a jellyberry "He loves me!" Mint choco yelled confused "Yes he does" vampire said wafer walked in the bar taking a seat "Hello guys" wafer vanilla greeted he looked at mint choco "Hey wafer I know what it means" mint choco said "Oh really?" Wafer vanilla said he stood up from his seat mint choco also stood up

They faced each other "I really really like you..."  wafer vanilla said flustered to say I love you he grabbed mint choco's arm "I love you too" mint choco said he smiled he and wafer were blushing "May i?" Wafer vanilla asked he pulled his scarf down from his mouth "Yes you may" mint choco smiled wafer bended down he put his hand on mint choco's cheek mint choco did the same wafer vanilla pulled him into a soft kiss they pulled away sparkling and vampire were cheering while Herb was taking pictures "Hey mochi wherever you are you were right I did find the one" wafer thought he finally found his love pure vanilla going to be shocked when wafer tells him

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