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Chris told Dara what had happened earlier. 
"Chris..." Dara said as she started driving noticing they stayed a lot longer than they should have. 

"Okay... when you think of Rory... what comes to mind?" She asked very interestedly at his answer.

"That I fucked it up with her" Chris admitted. 
"So you don't hate her?" Dara asked as she turned onto the parking lot, and parked. 

"No! I never did!" Chris said frustrated

"then why were you an asshole to her?" Dara said as she got out of the car and Chris followed her actions.

"I was really fucking scared to talk to her when we first met her. I thought that maybe if I was jokingly mean we would become good friends... I dont fucking know... I guess I just never know when to stop," Chris ranted to Dara as she grabbed a cart and walked through the aisles. She opened her texts to see what the group wanted.

"You are such a dumbass, Christopher," Dara said as she rolled her eyes 

"Oh, so we are mad at me again?" Chris said as he followed behind the small girl who had impressive speed right then and there.

"Yes! You are so childish and that's why things like this happen to you," Dara pointed at him and he scoffed "What do you mean childish," He added.

"You are literally a kindergarten kid," Dara said as she started pushing the cart once more. 

"Why do you say that?" Chris questioned as she turned to him 

"You clearly clearly... like her," 

"What? no, I dont!"  Chris said as his cheeks flushed. 

"It makes so much sense. I remember you saying how intimidating she was... and how nervous you were when you found out she was going to move here! you wanting all this attention from her! You like her Christopher!" Dara said as he widened his eyes.

"Shit... I think I do..." Chris finally admitted to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair.



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