Chapter 4: Its True Your A Human

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Logan's POV

I looked at the tarantula in complete fear. It hissed at me before crawling away I looked around confused, "Weird.....totally weird....".

I sighed, the fear in my stomach not leaving. Well of course you cant die! You are the......

Emma trailed off in my mind, "Hey Emm's what do you look like?". I quizzed getting off the subject, she let me see her in my mind when my eyes closed.

I smiled at her, she was defiantly pretty. Awww thanks loggy! Emma squealed out.

I laughed in response moving on, the sentence in my head. What was I? Was I important?....

As I walked my thoughts got really jumbled up. So I decided to set camp in a good spot for the night.

One way in, one way out in a corner so I was pretty safe. I sighed, listening to Emma singing Shape of My Heart by Back Street Boys Apparently.

Soon I fell asleep, drifting into the land of Nightmares......


Unknown POV

"Logan Stratus is doing good....but Emma is helping him to much! He almost learned what he was! Sonya is doing good also.....they'll see Logan later....for now they can think he is a girl.....Jacob Jules and Kate are doing ok....they just need to meet up!".

I exclaimed gasping for breath, my assistant Sarry said. "Ok ill make sure everything goes as planned....Sonya just met Jacob!"....................................


Logan's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily I greeted Emma a good morning. Hey.....I cant talk right now stuff to organize in your mind!

She said sighing deeper into my thoughts, I thought that was weird. but I didn't question it.

I just packed up camp and left to get to the middle, eating some pineapple......


I finally came around in a weird white room, I knew I was sedated heavily, because for some reason it sounded like twenty-seven more voice were in my head.

NOPE THAT ALL OF US!! they all screamed. I sighed, as I tried to open my eyes I noticed people talking.

"Well if he dies who's gunna lead it? HUH!?". A pale guy in all black said. "I don't know Atticus! US!".

A girl in a mixture of blue and red said, she had light blue hair and pale skin guessing she was Albino. I kept still, hoping to hear more.

"He's awake.....Sedate him more!", The blue haired girl said to Atticus. Atticus hit a switch and I fell back to sleep in a flash...........


When I woke again, I was in the maze.....again! I sighed getting up and brushing myself off.

I had a splitting headache from the sedation, looking up I seen markings like I made. I stared to follow them hoping to find a friend of mine.

When I finally found a path that ACTUALLY went some were, I found the remnants of a camp.

Some burned wood, some food bags and cans. I sighed setting camp. I decided ill keep going tomorrow.

After about a hour of staring at the fire eating and deciding what to do, I decided to sleep. Laying down I said goodnight to Emma.

"Nighty night Em-Em!", I smiled laying down. I heard nothing in my head. I tried again no answer.

Sighing for the millionth time I let sleep consume me............................................

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