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Meela, Mathayus, Kassandra, and Khalid, went with their friends to hell to meet their respective parents and tell them how much they love them and how sorry they are for having thought the worst of them.

For the first time in their lives, they wanted to make amends for all the damage done, without knowing the truth of what had happened.

By the time they had reached the entrance to hell, the four of them know perfectly well that they could no longer turn back and that they had to continue on their way; on the other hand, they didn't want to back down either, because they wanted to get to know their parents and the world they are currently in.

The first entity they saw is Astaroth. Astaroth is like a naked man with dragon hands and feet and a pair of large bat wings and smaller ones with white feathers, and he has a splendid crown on his head, and he holds a serpent in his left hand. He is always mounted on an infernal creature, resembling a lycanthrope or a dog with dragon wings.

Meela, Mathayus, Kassandra, and Khalid, were very surprised to see that entity, but they knew that they should and that they had to get used to seeing all the entities because that is the world that their parents and their friends were living.

"Welcome, your royal highnesses, and welcome Meela, Mathayus, Kassandra, and Khalid, your royal highnesses. We were waiting for you," Astaroth said.

"Thank you, Astaroth, and this time, there is a light at the end of this nightmare," said Satan.

"Thank you, Astaroth for this welcome and how have you been, after learning of the atrocities of the Goddess Athena, in union with the Demon?" Hades asked.

"Thank you both for your sincere words, and the truth is that we are extremely upset; especially, our Lord and His Royal Highness, Satan, who is bursting with anger," said Astaroth.

"Wow, that's not good at all! We must find a way to calm our respective parents so that they do not do anything they can regret," said Thanatos.

"We all agree with you Thanatos, and the question would be, how would we do it? Because we must come up with a plan to calm them down and forget about all the problems," said Phobos.

"When we get to hell, we would have an idea how we should calm them down," Lestat said.

They decided to stop, to begin descending towards the home of Satan, where everyone would be, including their respective parents.

While they were descending, Meela, Mathayus, Kassandra, and Khalid, could notice how the light looked more distant and Astaroth, they were explaining to them that hell is an inverted cone and at the end of the ninth circle of hell is Tartarus, which is home of Hades and Persephone with their two children and which is also the "Prison of the Giants"

Likewise, Astaroth was explaining to the two couples that, although in each circle of hell there are great public and important figures, they are welcome to the abode of Our Lord, Satan.

On the other hand, Astaroth also explained to them that, in each circle of hell, he is guarded and protected by the friends and allies of Satan, to prevent the Demon from doing something against them.

In the middle of the way, they found a gigantic black door, and on the left side of the door, some red inscriptions read the following:

"It is because of me that you enter the city of tears

It is for me that you turn to eternal pain

There, the doomed race suffers.

I was created by Divine Power

put aside hope

If you enter here "

When they looked up, they could see that in the middle of the door was the head of Satan of gold color.

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