Moving in

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Namjoon's POV

It's already been about 5 months since I started dating BTS. At first I used to live in my apartment only, but then when they came clear to me about being a mafia they asked me to move in with them so that they could protect me better, as I was an orphan so there wasn't any issue either . Everything was going  good  but then my dumbo boy friends asked me to follow some stupid rules , if not  I will be punished in God knows what all ways.

Earlier I thought it would be kinky spanking but no , Jungkook told me his experience and said it hurts like hell and you can't even sit properly for days . 

But of course me being a naughty brat and too ha habitual of doing what I wanted, it was very difficult for me to follow them , well I broke rules 2-3 times but they let it go, more like Yoongi saved me as I was just adapting but from now if I will break any rule they won't spare me.

And goshh those rules ? Don't even get me started with them.
I can't curse, can't disobey them I should only say yes to whatever they tell me because as per them I am too naive and they know the best. I can't go out without their permission, they stopped me from having any male friend. I have to get A+ in all of my subjects. I can't tell anyone about me dating them. Welp that sucks, because I really wished to have a public relationship where I could hold their hands or go out on cute dates or maybe just lean my head on their shoulder but it's fine I guess, i gotta understand they are mafias and are doing it just for my safety. I have to follow the sleep schedule they give me, so that I can stay healthy and fit

Not just this they made me change my subjects so that I could be in the same classes as Jungkook. Though I love the subjects I used to study earlier , but I am still happy as I get more time with them in college by that.
And the list just goes on, but they compensate it all by giving me all the love when we are alone and I am not in trouble, though both of being together is a rare occasion but still .
Though i sometimes feel it is a little suffocating, but then at last i understand they are doing it just for my well being .

Do vote and comment, now the next chapters would be proper chapters.
Trust the process guys, lol. Ik it is again super cringe 😶😶

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