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It was a normal day like any other day in the Kim Mansion, Jimin and Taehyung bickering with each other for the last packet of chips, Jungkook was reading a novel. J-Hope was enjoying and filming all the events, while Suga and Namjoon were just enjoying their beauty nap and Jin was cooking dinner.

" Enough now, come and have dinner and then off from my head " Spoke Jin, sternly.

After eating dinner, Namjoon went to his room as he wasn't allowed to be awake past 11. He had protested a little earlier about it but jin and yoongi were quick to convince him over it by saying that they don't want Namjoon to have dark circles, and he should maintain his sleep schedule or it leads to a lot of health problems. Though earlier Namjoon was a bit grumpy over how others didn't have a bedtime and he did but Jin knew how to get his work done. And with a little emotional blackmail, Jin made Namjoon agree to it.

Namjoon's POV

Because of this stupid rule, I couldn't binge watch anymore. I really tried to follow the rules as much as I could knowing they have all those rules for my well being but today college was really stressful and I need something for entertainment too. Moreover, everyone is asleep by now I guess and even if I get caught, they will let it slide this time too. So let's binge watchhhhh. Yeahhh.

Jin's POV

Today I had to complete some files, so I was awake till midnight. While I was going to my room, I heard some giggling voices and found that they are coming from Namjoon's room. I quickly entered his room and saw him watching something on his laptop. I got very angry. I really hate whenever someone disobeys me but controlled my anger as it was nighttime, and everyone was sleeping. Marching towards Namjoon, I closed his laptop. He got startled and looked at me with wide and fearful eyes.

"What time is it, Namjoon?" I asked harshly.

" I don't know hy-hyung " Namjoon fumbled in response, fear driving his speech.

"You don't know? It's okay, let me break it to you, it's freaking 2 AM right now, and you were supposed to sleep by 11 PM " Spoke Jin, anger evident in his words though he still tried to be as calm as he could to not scare the poor boy.
"I-I am really sorry hyung... I-I was just really stressed from College today and wanted to watch something to refresh myself... Really sorry" Spoke Namjoon feeling guilty for troubling Jin.
Ignoring Namjoon's apology, to give him a good ride of guilt trip, Jin spoke "  This won't help you. Sleep right now, we will discuss it in the morning" He took Namjoon's laptop, kissed his crown, and left the room, and Namjoon sat there feeling guilty for not even being able to follow simple things his boyfriends set up for his benifit only.

After some time, Namjoon's POV

While I was just thinking of ways to make up to jin hyung my stomach growled loudly. My small tummy needs food, and with that, I marched towards the kitchen. While I was on my way to the kitchen, I heard a thud sound, only to see Jin Hyung 's favorite vase scattered on the floor. Without caring about my growling stomach, I ran back to my room to save my dear life and slept. I was already in enough trouble. Seems like even yoongi hyung won't be able to save me in to morning.

Time Skip in the Morning


As soon as Jin finished his sentence, he heard a thud sound, and Jimin was on the floor , eyes half-opened drool over his face but looking like a five-year-old boy, as he came to Jin rolling all over the stairs.

" Hyung, what happened? Why are you shouting in the early morning? It's not good for your health, you know you are getting old " Blurred out Jimin, still half asleep.

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