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All of them were seated on the dining table, and having breakfast when Hoseok spoke "Joon today we won't come to college as we have to go for an important mission, do you want us to send some guards for your safety?"
"We will most probably return by evening" added Yoongi.
Namjoon shook his head, "No, it's okay, I can take care. Moreover, I am a black belt, remember?"

"Oh my my, I am scared of my little bean now, who is just a size of a bean." Exaggerated Jin, and the others joined in too and laughed at Namjoon.

"Yahhh... I am just an inch smaller than you hyung" whined Namjoon

"Whatever whatever" Shrugged Jin "Okay, now everyone finish your breakfast, and we will drop you off at school, okay?"

"Hmmm." Namjoon hummed in response

Time skip at school

"Bye, take care, and study well" spoke Taehyung, patting Namjoon's head lovingly.

"Bye, you too, take care, and I know I have to study; you literally tell me this every day" with that Namjoon ran off to his class, sitting alone as most of his friends were in the other stream now and he wasn't allowed to make new friends either.

[Namjoon's POV]

Well, what do they think? Since I started dating them, I didn't even bunk a single class, though I was always a topper, but I didn't like attending classes as they teach very boringly, and I could understand with my own self-study. But now that I have a chance, why not bunk the classes? Let's go. With that, I directly went to the arcade and played games without keeping a check on time. After some time, I felt hungry and checked the time; it was almost time for my school to dismiss. So, I thought to eat something and then head home, and they will think that I am coming from school. Hehe, I know I am very smart.


Our mission finished by the afternoon itself, so we thought to pick Namjoon up from college as it was almost time for dispersal. We waited for about 20 minutes there, but there was no sign of Namjoon. Worry could be seen all over our faces.
POV end

"Guys, let's ask the teacher maybe he is staying back or something" spoke up Jungkook and others nodded in approval.
"Good afternoon, miss. Do you know where Namjoon is?"

"Oh, Namjoon! he didn't come today" replied Mrs Kang, one of the professors.

"Thank you miss,we will take our leave" spoke Jin and then they left. About 30 minutes later they reached their home and saw Namjoon sitting on the couch. They started to fume in anger, but somehow tried to control it. Though Jungkook was having a hard time doing so.

"How was college today, Joon?" asked Taheyung with a very sweet smile

"It was good, but I got a little bit bored as you all weren't there" replied Namjoon casually.

"Really? You got bored? Did you attend all the classes?" asked Jin, sitting beside Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded his head confidently and said "Of course, remember the no bunking rule?"

"I'm impressed you remember it because the CCTV footage and your attendance say something else" his voice getting a lot scary for Namjoon to digest.

Said Jungkook, gawking at Namjoon like he was his prey "You are in great trouble, Namjoon First, you bunked school, and now you are even lying to us... So many rules in just one day, hmm..."
"What did you do while you bunked the classes?" asked Jin pulling Namjoon over his lap, who visibly flinched.

"I-I went to the arcade and played games... A-and then I went to a cafe as I was hungry, then came back home as it was time for dispersal" told Namjoon honestly

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