Chapter 1?

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    The silence that cuts through the air like a knife and pulls your hair on end. The silence that (F/N) was currently stuck in. A silence only produced in the cold cell of a winter war-time. But before I get ahead of myself here, let me say something first.


    Ok, so i got this idea for a new story.....a book, but ill get to that later right now HETALIA TIME  right? Just wanted to thank all my followers'n'stuff for being AWESOME! (Like prussia) Kesesesese!



    (F/N) (L/N) was always an outsider to the others. With her (H/L) (H/C) hair and dazzling (E/C) eyes. She could fool any man into loving her. But, times became different over the four years that (F/N) has been in Germany. And war soon settled in.


    It's been about a year since the war-time started. I guess i'm a rather lucky one. Being that I didn't get taken away from my family, mostly because i don't have any. But days seem to have become longer now, so work days lag on for hours on end. I work at a bakery down the road from the military site. Soldiers come down quite often. But i never thought i would see the day when they showed up for me.

"(L/N)!" I heard my name called.

"Huh?" turning around I saw three German soldiers.

"You're under arrest by orders of the military general." One said.

"What? Why?"

"No questions Ma'am." Another replied.

    Days flew to years stuck in this cell. And soon, Silence was my best friend.

    I was put in this cell two years ago today. I never imagined that the soldiers would be so rude. I've been beaten and bruised by them multiple times. Why i'm not dead....I didn't know. Until he showed up.....


    I walked into the cell area and walked up to cell 308. (L/N)'s cell. We don't know the prisoners first names so it's hard not to sound strict to them. But the way the others treat this girl is horrible. So i'm taking over.

    As i walked up and put a hand on the bars I see her try to hide away in the far corner.

"Nein, It's fine. I'm not going to hurt you...." I stated.

"How am I supposed to know that's true?" She retorted.

"It's obvious you don't know vhy i'm here." I crossed my arms.

"Why are you here?" She asked quietly. And I think i almost heard her ask why she was there too.

"Zhe var is over, i'm here to take you back to your home." I said.

    Seeing her dull (E/C) eyes all of a sudden brighten just a little surprised me. But they soon dulled again. As she stood up i noticed how pale she was her (S/C) skin had now become a ghostly white. She was so small too, prisoners don't get fed often enough.....

"Ja, come on. Before i change mein mind!" I stated. I watched her scurry past me to the outdoors.


    I stepped outside to a blinding light. Freedom! Finally I get to go home!

    I was too happy, too soon.

    We arrived at my house, just to see it torn to shreds. Burnt wood and ashes lay all around what used to be my garden. And the bakery just down the block, was rubble on the pavement. I felt a firm hand be placed on my shoulder.

"Sorry for your loss." He stated it like I'd lost my family. "I hope your family is safe."

"I don't have any family."

~To Be Continued?~




Tell me what you think so far in the comments? Should i continue? Should i stop while im ahead???? IDK I NEED HELP!! I also decided my followers are gonna be called by Tomatoes  Buono Tomato~!

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