Chapter 3

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 I was walking down the bridge to head into town, I didn't feel like taking the car for some reason. That's when I saw her.

"(F/N)! (F/N)!!! Stop!" But I was too late.

    Standing there I watched her jump. But, I wasn't going to let go so quickly to someone like her. I quickly, not even bothering to take anything off, jumped in after her. Like I said, she wasn't leaving so easily. Heaving her up and onto the bank I called bruder. (Water-proof phones )

"Vest? Vhats up?" He asked.

"Gil! This is serious I need the car ASAP at the north bank by the bridge. HURRY!" Then i hung up. It felt like hours before he arrived.

"Vhat happened?" He asked as I climbed in with (F/N).

"No questions Gil, just drive." I had to get her to a hospital, or home, or somewhere! She was freezing and her breath was shallow. I grabbed a blanket that we kept in the car in an attempt to keep her warm.

    Please, Mein Gott, let her be ok.....



    It had been a week since the accident......(F/N) was in the hospital for three days. And now, by doctor's orders, she was to stay with bruder and me. For how long? None of us knew. But I had a feeling deep inside, that she wouldn't try to kill herself again.....But I was wrong.

    "VEST!! VEST!!!" I heard Gil scream. Running down the hall all I could hear was Gil screaming and someone struggling. A robber, I hoped it was just a robber......I was wrong again.

    "(F/N) vhy?" I said as I looked at the new cut on her wrist, then down to the razor laying on the floor. "Vhy?"

    "Why wouldn't I?" She retorted. "I'm USELESS, HOPELESS, WORTHLESS. A waste of AIR!......" She screamed as tears rolled down her face.

    "Nein, your wrong....Your beautiful, amazing, wonderful, and smart!" I tried to keep my voice steady. At a time like this, the best thing to do in not yell....It just makes them feel worse.

    I gently took her from Gil and lead her into a different room. It happened to be my room. Sitting her on the bed I grabbed some bandages and started cleaning her up. She looked at me with a confused face. "Did you expect me to leave you to die?" I asked. She nodded. My heart ached, why? why did my heart ache? Looking up I saw her face turn to a shocked expression. She reached a hand out and touched my cheek. I was crying....

    "Why are you crying?" She asked. "It's not like I mean anything to you...."

    "Nein, you mean more than you zhink you do..."



    "Nein, you mean more then you zhink you do..." Hearing this made my heart ache....Why? Why did my heart ache? I mean sure, it was the first time i'd ever seen Ludwig cry. But that doesn't explain the feeling I had.

    "Wh-What do I mean to you?" I stuttered, why did I stutter? He looked up with a sad face on.

    "Your....Beautiful, wonderful, amazing....." He repeated what he'd said earlier....One thing Liar's always do. I told him that I wasn't asking for compliments. He said. "Fine zhen.....Your....vell...." There he goes, over thinking and trying to find an excuse.

    "Stop thinking so hard I know your just Lying, You can stop prete—" "Your mein vorld! Ich Leibe Dich (F/N)! Please, never EVER zhink anything less!" He was crying again.

    I reached out and cupped his face in my hands. "What does Ich Leibe Dich mean?" I knew very well what it meant, but I wanted Him to say it.

    "(F/N)....I Love You...Your my vorld....Please, Please, Never leave me..." He looked up at me with an expression that was indescribable. It was a mix between Pain, Love, Fear, Loss, and Hope. I was taken aback.

    How do your respond to a German saying he loves you? How can you tell if you love him back?

This is Hopeless, but as I said before, that's what I am........Hopeless


I feel good about this chapter. What do you guys think so far?

PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Comments help encourage me~!

Anyway~! Buonanotte Mio Pomodoro~!

Goodnight My Tomatoes

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