Chapter 26

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Her heart was still pounding as Dacian followed her out of the elevator. They reached her door and she unlocked it. Then Dacian took over.

He opened the door and steered her inside, stepped in after her, then shut and locked the door behind him. A devilish smile curled his lips.

She backed away from him as he pursued her. She could feel her heartbeat in her groin. She was his prey and he was undoubtedly a predator as he stalked after her.

One who intended to devour her, inch by inch. He raked his dark gaze slowly down and back up her body with a fierce hunger naked on his face.

"Allie. My little mouse. I'm going to enjoy this," he rasped as he stalked closer.

Holy hell. She was so turned on she could barely breathe. Her mouth had gone dry. Her body trembled in anticipation. Her back hit the kitchen counter.

He stalked closer until he stood right in front of her. He placed a large hand on her throat. Her pulse beat wildly under his palm as his thumb pushed her chin up, tilting her head back, forcing her to gaze up at him. Allie panted for breath as she gazed into his eyes.

Dacian placed his other hand on the edge of the counter beside her, caging her in without touching her. In fact, he held himself back with strict control, making sure not to brush his body against her at all. He gazed down at her for a long moment without moving. Allie's heart pounded several times in the silence as she waited to see what he would do next.

Finally he leaned down, closed his eyes, and brushed his lips against hers in the barest hint of a kiss. His breath was hot on her skin. His lips feathered against hers again. Then something hot and wet brushed her lips - his tongue. She gasped and it darted out again, tasting her. Then again. Each time the touch was deliberately brief, light, teasing. Liquid heat poured out of her. His lips closed over hers again, the contact only slightly firmer than it had been before.

He kissed her like this - slow, gentle, teasing - for several minutes, until her panties were soaked and her legs felt like jelly. Her heart still throbbed like a drum in her chest, but its pace had slowed.

It was the most devastating thing he could do to her. By dragging it out, he prolonged the psychological torture of wondering what might come next. By kissing her so lightly, touching her so little, he made her realize exactly how much she craved more.

She raised her hands to place them on his chest, wanting to feel the curves and planes of his hard, sculpted muscles through his shirt. But before her palms could make contact with him, he grabbed her wrists in a grip like iron. Slowly, so that she understood that he was in complete control, he lowered her hands and brought them behind her.

Allie gasped as she suddenly found herself powerless. His gaze was intense as he stared down at her, a devilish smile on his lips. He held her wrists in a tight grip that just bordered on painful.

"That's not how this is going to work," he said in a low voice. "I control the pacing."

"You're hurting me," she said as she wriggled, trying to get free. He tightened his grip a little more, making her gasp again.

"Actions have consequences," he said softly, brushing his lips against hers. Allie's eyes widened as a frisson of real fear went through her and it heightened her arousal to an almost painful degree.

"There's something you should know," he whispered in her ear. "Your fear of me turns me on."

A strangled whimper escaped her. He drew her ear between his teeth, then licked the sensitive spot behind it. She shuddered and whimpered.

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